How do you plan to simmer?

Take my guard down and be more consistently affectionate.

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I didn’t know that but my wife and I already do that all the time. It helps that we both work from home and can have simmering happening throughout the day

Well definitely give it a go, but im solo so

Send more intimate thoughts throughout the day to the them

Reach out to them with personal thoughts/desires throughout the day.

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Share my strong desire with her

Verbally and via text would be good to add to physical touch

Planning to do solo simmering as I am currently single.

Will be doing solo simmering

This is a tough one for me as my wife is open about how she does not feel desire much if at all. I’ve been simmering with her for 20 years and it has never increased her desire. The idea of solo simmering is new though and will definitely give that a go!

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I think the way to be sexually strong with my gf is be dominant and do dirty Talk with her, tell her i want to fuck her so bad and be clear with intentions to avoid be shy or struggle to have sex with her because of bad thoughts

Text, kiss more passionately, verbal compliments

Touch, hand on booty, verbal compliment things they like

Touching more

Having proper kisses not just pecks, messaging, complimenting and touching more

More passionate kisses in the morning

More deep eye contact, a playful sexual joke, pointed to them, if the moment comes up, holding he chin when kissing

I love this idea. I am just so worried that I’ll disappoint when I get to the bedroom

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Use longer kisses when giving my wife a kiss goodbye before work or when coming home. Try some random playful touching throughout the day if we are both home. Send a flirty / dirty text to build up the anticipation of being together when the kids are sleep (or if we have arranged a date for when kids are at school).

I’ll send desirable messages while I’m at work or even just remind her how attractive she is to me.