How do you plan to simmer?

Begin with text messages and work my way up

Start with a text and then kiss and hug then passionately when i see them next

I’ll playfully compliment them

Make sure our morning kisses are long. Saying it in words how beautiful she is.

This could be hard, my wife hates kissing, and finds a lot of this stuff annoying

Solo for now.

Will try the suggested ideas, and talk to my partner about some of the things she might like. Then go from there!

I’ve got a thing going on that I’m totally unfamiliar with. There’s this girl, we have incredible chemistry, but cannot be together in an official capacity. We are both very transparent and talk openly with each other, about our desire for each other. I’ll ask her if she’s on board to do joint simmering. If yes, I’ll hold her ever so slightly tighter when we dance together. Occasionally, I’ll whisper into her ear about what part of her body I want to kiss. And whether she’s on board or not for joint simmering, I’ll make sure to do some solo work as well. Let the sexy thoughts linger a bit, and engage with these thoughts a little more.

We watching something on TV while sitting on the sofa, I play with her hair . Before she leaves the house for work I give hug and long kiss !

We watching something on the TV while sitting on the sofa, I play with her hair. In the morning before she leaves the house for work I give hug and long kiss !

Being transparent about simmering

Longer kisses and stroking

Just solo simmering for now

Sex hard

Start using simmering through messages and voice notes

Solo sim

Will talk w spouse first. Good idea as it’s been hard w kids to have time for each other

Being assertive turns me on. Roughing her up in the bedroom and locking eyes with her as she is performing oral sex.

been simmering the past few days already! lots of ass n balls fantasies. need to file this away for when im not horny

I actually do this a lot already, but now I understand its importance.