How do you plan to simmer?

My girlfriend is away on holiday right now so I will be sending her reminders throughout the day of how it feels to kiss and hold her

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Other than message or sexting, I do some of those kinesthetic affectionate gestures, would it be something else that might be of help to practice?

Solo then include my partner.

Continue touching their skin when possible, stroking their hair and feeling relaxed around them


I’m going to send the woman I’m seeing a sweet message shortly, just to let her know that I’m thinking of her and missing her

More gentle touches through the day

I don’t find I have any issues with my libido. Could be because I do a lot of simmering with my girlfriend. My issues come up when it’s time for sex.

Linger with kisses, hugs, rub her back when sitting beside her, slide your hand under the bottom of her shirt, do teenager stuff like grabbing her butt in little moments.

Gonna do more of these things.

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I do plenty of simmering without having known that’s what I was doing. It’s my negative self-talk and consequently low esteem that’s wrecked my dependable erections

Solo simmering for now but hopefully can simmer with someone I’ve been seeing

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Messaging her asking if I can slowly undress them.

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Sexting with my wife

The issue of longing is tough for me. I’ve gotten into the practice of thinking dread and disappointment when it’s time to have sex. I need to practice my anticipation

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greetings, texts, kisses

I’m going to take notice of sexually charged moments or thoughts that I have throughout the day, hold onto them and ponder on them for sometime before I let them go.

Will increase the thoughtful and sexual texts, as well as the physical touching and flirting.

I will add key things such as thoughtful texting to my daily routine

A thoughtful text to my wife is the start as we are currently separated but working towards getting back together. A quick line about her smile x


Good luck man hope it goes well

Wear a scent
Touch her arms and play with her hair

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