How do you plan to simmer?

Well I’m single but I think I could definitely be more in tune with the guy I’m currently talking to. More sustained eye contact and deliberate tone and sweet messages throughout the day feel like a great start

I’m trying to get my GF more into sexting. I really doing that. Baby steps I guess. We both enjoy when I cup her face as I’m kissing her. I enjoy rubbing her thighs as well when we’re sitting down talking.

Physical touch and stroking when together. Longer kisses when me meet

Lots of making out when not expected. More complements when wearing revealing items like on beach.

I plan to play with her hair, and give her compliments about her looking hot. Also kiss her by holding her hair/face.

Longer kisses, and like the head holding idea. Build up anticipation with texts.

My partner and I already naturally have that kind of relationship where we touch a lot, kiss properly in the mornings, shower together etc. What I really need to focus on is tackling those negatives. Those are what’s really getting in the way, and when I’m struggling with those, I find them extremely difficult to deal with.

I’m currently in a long distance relationship and we already are naturally simmering during our phone calls and text messages with the anticipation building for our next time together in July.

We do this all the time but the messaging I miss a lot so I will definitely try that one

I have been doing some research into massages. In particular body to body. Something I think we could look forward to.

Tell her I can’t wait to see her

Talk to them about it although in a new relationship so we are naturally simmering. But, still good to talk once I see it cooling off


As a bachelor I will use my imagination to visualise sexy scenarios either with women who I have been with where the experience hasn’t worked out and I imagine what it would like if it had or with women who I have seen /met who I have seen and find physically attractive and imagine what it would be like to be with them.
This in turn could be a good way of expressing my sexuality as a bachelor thus raising my sexual thermostat and keeping a healthy sense of sexual wellbeing.
I am also working on improving my social life so increase the number of people that I meet.

Bath running now…!!! Some of these things I already do, being more conscious will help. I will definitely be talking to my partner too - she’s been really onboard with this journey, where we’ve both realised the challenges I have been having are mainly not to do with us but with external influences, tiredness and stresses.

jerking it

Flirt, banter, chivalry, passion

Kissing and touching butts is something we already do often. Maybe adding in some sexy messaging could be fun too.

There is still plenty of hugging and kissing after a decade of relationship, so I supposed I’ll try something new

Being more present and aware, throughout the day, even in seemingly normal or innocuous moments. Noticing her outfits, complimenting her the way I know she likes to be complemented, and being as emotionally supportive as I can.