How do you plan to simmer?

Using scent and long hugs

The girl I recently started seeing has been very flirty and overtly sexual with texting, so it just happened naturally. By the time we meet up, we want each other so bad. It’s hard to focus on anything else.

Deeper kisses would be nice and texting more messages of desire would be good too.

Keep it going, we try to get time alone which is a premium, and we do get it on when we do so yes simmering works well and make us ready for sex :slight_smile:

Let her know I find her attractive.

Message something I love about her body while she is a work and somewhere that I like that she touches during foreplay.
Along with a big smooch when I see her next

I’ve been doing long kissing stroking and playing with her hair since we started hanging out i

Telling my wife how sexy she is more often, send sending cheeky texts, and being more passionate in my affectionate actions. not have a partner. I will solo until I can see if anyone wants to be part of this

The long kiss is a great idea with the hands around the face. Might run the hot bath or put on some cologne

Talk to her more, text her, show it through out the day.

I need to explain the process and I am sure my partner will be CHUFFED!

I’m single lol

This usually just builds pressure for me, because im afraid it will get her all hot for sex and she will be even more disappointed of i wont be able to perform

Texting how I can’t wait to see her, more intentional kissing and touching, dressing in front of her

I Will free all my inner thoughts

Longer and more passionate kisses and hugs when leaving for the day. Grabbing her hair and pulling it a little when kissing.

Tellin my gf she turns me on and messaging her about all the things y like about her

Solo simmering for me till I get a gf

I try to do this already but it’s not always reciprocated. My wife has a busy job and we have two young children: quite often, touching in the last thing she wants! I hear people on this thread talking about letting go of neediness too. I think that works against the simmering idea. Perhaps for me doing simmering things less often would have the desired effect.