How do you plan to simmer?

Text her more simmery topics

Gently touch her in non sexual spots. Play w her hair. Make comments towards her affirming my attraction.

We do a bit of this already so I guess it’s like the video says, making it regular instead of something that happens every so often

Be more affectionate

More kissing and touching that I initiate

So it’s just making sure you tease and increase lust?

Remind her that she turns me on. And for self simmering think about her & previous girls in a sexual way

I am single but I love the idea of continuous intimate interactions with someone I like

Not yet sure, but definitely plan to start it

Im going to solo simmer but idk who to imagine. I recently got broken up with and dont wanna use ex because im trying to get over her. So :man_shrugging:

I’m going to greet her tomorrow by holding her face and giving her a passionate kiss. Then throughout the day I will stroke her butt, maybe brush against her breasts. Tell her how much I am looking forward to being tangled up with her in bed.

Need to give more sexy signals throughout the day.

I already do! Desire for sex has never been an issue for me. My current girlfriend and I do simmer. Probably could do more

More touch in personal and sexual texts during the day

Messaging and touch

Think I do this already with my gf naturally

turns out, i have been simmering this whole time. I started simmering within the past 3 months because I noticed i’ve been quite neglectful of the little things that she appreciates, like squeezing, gifting a vitamin water after a trip to the convenient store, compliments, things like that. I can tell you that simmering indeed works and has sparked sexual desire back into our relationship. Not only will your partner appreciate it, you will find yourself loving it, you’ll find yourself knowing you’re still attracted to your partner and that you’re very much in love with them as much as the day you’ve met. try it, fellas!

im single too hahah

Pats on the ass, random sexts

I’m single so I’ll have to fantasize