How do you plan to simmer?

Im single but am thinking about trying it with a girl ive been seeing

Gonna fantasize actively and make myself aroused by conscious sexual memories

Rubbing her feet while we watch tv in the evening

Great idea can’t wait to try

Single. But maybe with someone I will hook up with? Let’s see.

I don’t have a partner but I have a FWB and I will talk to them about it to see if they are interested in trying it. I would simmer with passionate kisses, making sure they notice me looking at them with desire, maybe a getting a little extra handsy when appropriate, and an exciting/arousing message.

Message my girlfriend and tell her she is beautiful. And small things like touching her over dinner. It worked and it me excited to see her.

Create a list of things to do that I know she’ll like that I don’t do often enough and ask her what she might like that I haven’t thought of + be creative. And, the web is full of romantic ideas.

My girlfriend and I already do a pretty good job at this without even realizing we were doing it.

I need to be more open with my girlfriend about what she does and what about her that turns me on. I can also ask her to do the same, and we will simmer often together

I believe I already simmer quite a bit, but having the language for it and do it consciously and continuously also helps. I will also talk about it with my partner so that we are both on board and we remind each other that that’s our thing.

I love the idea of anticipatory messages.

By revisiting a really hot thought.

I’m single so solo🫠

Tell my gf how sexy they look

Pinch my partner’s bottom. Speak out ‘Love you, honey. Touch her boobs. Text her that I miss her

My concern with simmering is what is it feels very unilateral. I would like my partner not only to initiate the simmer once In a while, but also to keep it alive. I will need to talk to her directly about this strategy.

Keep doing sexy texting with my long distance gf

Kissing deeply when he comes home from work. Cuddles while watching TV. Lots more compliments.

Fantasize about sex more even though I am a virgin haha