Have you ever told anyone that you have erection issues? How did they react?

The usual response is mild support but there is also a quiet or dull moment to the mood after I bring it up

The only person I’ve ever talked to about it is my partner, but my partner was there when it happened. He was understanding the first few times, but had become progressively more frustrated as it sporadically continued to happen. He’s actually really happy that I’ve been looking into ways to solve it on this Mojo site. I hope this will help me to resolve the issue.

Yes, still working on it.

Yup, they reacted calmly.

Yup, they reacted calmly.


Just admitted my problem to my current partner. She is the first person I’ve been completely open and honest with. Seems to be supportive and willing to help me work through it. Time will tell.

They were very understanding and supportive

YesAlways very well

I have told some friends to which some were supportive others weren’t as much. I have been too nervous to explain to any partners so far but I’m hoping after watching these videos I can gain confidence to do so.

I have told some friends to which some were supportive others weren’t as much. I have been too nervous to explain to any partners so far but I’m hoping after watching these videos I can gain confidence to do so.

Yes she wants to help me work through it with her

Told my girlfriend. She was relieved to know that i trusted her enough to tell her.

It actually went very well, we worked through it multiple times and have been able to get it up every time.

Yes to a friend, he also happened to have similar issues and it was super comforting. I also told a woman I was talking to and did make me feel alot more comfortable

Yes. Told a couple of my friends. They were very understanding and encouraging me to understand the issue and seek help.

Yes, a friend told me that I need to work on my self-confidence and pessimistic thinking, and try to get rid of being attached to failures from the past.

I told a friend the first time it happened. He was quite supportive but also found it slightly funny

Acknowledging the problem and being able to talk candidly about it has led her to being more upfront about some of her sexual thoughts and experiences. Strange as it sounds, it helped foster the the emotional intimacy I needed to rekindle the physical intimacy as I worked through the resources and strategies I found on Mojo. It also led to her taking the initiative and explore other kinds of touching that had fallen by the wayside.

I’m at the end of my journey I think. Everything has been good for months now. What worked for me, what made Mojo worth the price of admission, was the blueprint to short circuit my fight or flight response that was taking over my life from external matters and my combat sport hobby. Box breathing, meditation, soft penis pleasuring and reframing my arousal to to stimulated from touch (the temperature, pressure, texture) until everything could reboot to include visual stimulation again made all the difference. I don’t know if Mojo can cure every form of ED, but it seemed tailor made to fix mine since no resource I found anywhere had mentioned the above techniques. As long as the physical plumbing is all there, these techniques will help fix the psychological side of it. I had panicked when tadalafil hadn’t worked despite being physically healthy and being highly attracted to my wife. This proved to be a valuable clue and subscribing to Mojo provided me with the rest of the picture to short circuiting my CNC and let my feed or breed response retake the wheel.


I have done in the past and she was largely quite supportive. We spoke about having sex quite early into dating and I felt I had to have sex to please her rather than myself. I feel I needed to get to know her more and to remove any pressure I felt around sex which would have helped with my erection issues.