Guys with early climax, what's your inner critic like?

Its me and he’s just afraid. he’s the opposite of the confident me. he remembers awkward encounters but never hypes me up on all the amazing encounters.

Mine tells me I’ll always fall just short. I’m not terrible at sex, but that I won’t ever making her orgasm cause I won’t ever be able to last long. Keeps giving me reminders that I’m going to cum so I have to slow down, but that simultaneously telling me I suck cause I can’t keep going and that she isn’t enjoying it.

Doesn’t trust me. Nags me in an exasperated voice, like my Dad, convinced I’m going to mess it up and pleading me, irritably, not to.

Wanting to last longer is the one

It’s myself but it isn’t me

Damn shes sexy

It tells me I’m going to fuck it up. Blow my chance. That I always do that. That I am not in control. That i am pathetic. Not manly and certainly not confident. That she doesn’t really love me and is not attracted to me. That she is out of my league and she’s going leave.

Mine is me saying that she will be annoyed with me for not lasting longer, and that she doesn’t enjoy it.

Mine sat on my shoulder and wore medieval garbs.

Mine is just full of doubt about myself and wishes it was different

Sounds like self doubt and the anger my partner experiences caused by anxiety. It is always trying to convince me I am a fuck up. Not good enough. Too small. No drive.

Sounds like “don’t mess up” “don’t fail at this”

Making me feel bad because I will cum in seconds

I hear that I’m not good enough, that I’ll never be able to satisfy my partner, that I’m ruining our sexual intimacy.

My inner critic is a dark cloud over my genitals which feels awkward and uncomfortable especially when aroused.

My voice is myself. It is level headed and tells me i will struggle to get it in without cumming never mind do something useful with it.

I imagine mine wearing a suit and holding a clipboard so they can score every aspect of my performance.

My inner critique is just there, judging my every move and hurrying me and reminding that my wife’s pleasure is the only goal. And the way I react to that stress factor is that I hurry up and I end up PEing (not peeing, that would be another problem) PEing - Pre-Ejaculating. Then I go limp, and it takes me a good 10-15 minutes to come back, but by then, she’s already moved on.

A me who knows everything, gives me glimpse of how embarrassing it would be when I cum early!

mine is trying to hold me in the same state i have been in all my sexually active years, that it’s going to happen and i should be ashamed when it does, like i’m inadequate.