Guys with early climax, what's your inner critic like?

Mines telling me I shouldn’t keep the way I’m going but sure fuck it it’s my way

Mine is belittling, telling me I’m not sexually attractive enough, or unable to make a woman cum through sex. It keeps me in check but also puts my self confidence down every day. It’s not a voice - more of a constant thought/consciousness in my mind

Mine is almost warning me that I won’t last long, won’t satisfy her

I’m too close to edge… can’t hold front his point… just let it go …

Mine is a narcissistic version of me, telling me I’m not as good as I think I am

Usually my inner critic seems very rational, and says things that seem good but are ultimately from a place of not being good enough. It says things about how to improve although nothing has gone wrong.

Its seems to be a version of me, in a conversational tone.
Seemly as eager and interested, but so focused on wanting, even wishing, things to go well. In that wanting there is a lot of focus on the ways things could go wrong. Have gone wrong. Then when noticed- it seems to shame itself- me- for not being present. Dissipates long enough to reconnect, then reemerges again. There is a cycle.

Mine won’t let me forget how little control I have and tells me it’s pointless to try and change that

My inner critic tells me I’m not going to last long enough and that is going to make the sex bad. It says I should be lasting 30 min + like in all the porn I watched growing up.

My inner critic stands over my left shoulder during sex. He looks like me. He is naked and is well hung. He smirks and makes condescending comments about my impending and upcoming failure

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Mine is telling me to stay calm, relax. Making sure I don’t cum too quick.

Mine is a voice in my head telling me to not to bust quick and not to embarass myself

Mine is wearing black shoes red shirt and jeans and he is stuck in my head. Its my own voice telling me to not bust quick but now its saying slow down, enjoy it. Dont focus on what the girl may be thinking.

Tells me that people will think less of me when I cum too early and won’t satisfy them

Mine inner critic tells me to feel ashamed instead of talk with my partner.


Mine is my own voice, whispering warnings and criticisms

Mine usually lashes out at me after the fact more than during. It still affects future encounters tho, even tho I’m not actively hearing it during sex

Mine tells me her ex is better

Mine is cautious and I imagine it smaller than me. I view it as an entity that’s afraid and timid in a way and I picture it as a younger and more insecure version of myself in a certain outfit