Been using mojo now for a couple of weeks and it’s great. One of my issues is my sex drive and libido overall. Is it normal that I don’t get aroused during the sensate focus activities?
Same for me - I get hard if I masturbate but the sensation focus does not work. I think some exercises make me think too much which is the opposite effect of what I want in order to relax to overcome my issues. Breathing, kegels, reverse kegels, and some light jelqing which is not talked about on this site helps me. Also I just do these exercises on my own. My wife is aware of my issues and knows I am working on them but instead of doing some of these exercises together I continue to do them solo which helps me bring the confidence into the bedroom. Have your partner maybe touch you slightly differently (even if it’s more touching of the chest, nipples, ass, balls before usual hand jobs or blowjobs) to really help get that blood flow boost you need
I stopped using Mojo a year ago exactly because of that. I couldn’t get hard just by touching my naked body without real masturbation. It made me so frustrated after 3 failed attempts that i lost my sexual arousal even if i masturbated or watched porn. It was contraproductive but i think i should have slowed down and not be pushy on that excersise. I’m now back and give it another try.