Answer the 4Ds and share how you’re going to get the bond you want

How happy we make each other.
Living together in wa
Moving abroad

She is sexy, capricious , a little crazy. Sexualy charged , stimulates me intellectually and makes me feel very manly.
A romantic relationship and share days together. but good sex when we are both in the mood.
She needs to leave her husband as it becomes to focused on sex when we meet and the consequences of ED seems out of proportion.
She struggles to understand that ED could happen in an affair

I love eating together, exploring curiosities together, sex, I enjoy various forms of communication: funny, intelectual and healing rituals.

Dream: have a community, be inspiring, having a podcast and an online presence, promoting healing and wellbeing together, being responsible towards our health and health of community and the world.

Design: we need to take steps to start the online account, start producing publishable material. We need to reach out to people to form more friendships/ grow out community.

Destiny: I need a strong companion who’s also equally passionate and able to be efficient/effective in doing the ground work needed to get us out there.

Our connection is the best part of our relationship. Our values and background.

We want to travel and work together for ourselves

We would like to but land and open a campground

Searching for land


Being with somebody who cares deeply. Loving to discover new things and go to new places.

Being parents, financially secure living in our dream home

We need to be able to have sex… and sustain a stressful work lifestyle and not get so caught up in stress& conflict that we can have sex in our relationship

Set date nights. Set aside time to communicate and receive feedback during this time acknowledging they don’t necessarily mean to attack. Get a higher paying job. Do cooler stuff

Discovery: the best parts are the positive care and understanding we show each other, the open expressions of affection, admiration, and validation (a natural simmering), the immediate rapport we’ve always felt since long before we became romantically involved. Our physical chemistry is a big plus. And the sense of safety to share more of our innermost selves with another.

Dream: the best future would be a lifetime in which we each help the other bring out their ideal self and reach their goals, sharing their risks and celebrating their successes. We will take time for the things that bring them joy, because their joy is our joy, even if the thing that makes them happy isn’t necessarily our thing.

Design: We both need to complete the paths we are currently on (for her, school; for me, a big career change), after which we can once again live in the same place and share our day-to-day lives. Our new careers will provide more material stability, daily lives more in line with what we want, and more opportunity for shared travel and downtime. Until then (long distance) we have kept expanding our communication opportunities, and are always available if the other needs our support. And we keep sharing more of our histories and hopes in a way that deepens our bond.

Destiny: In our present pursuits, the support of the other has been indispensable; we are each accomplishing our individual goals together. We have learned to really trust in the other, and this bond is self-perpetuating; the more we experience the support of the other, the more integral it becomes to our lives moving forward.

D Waking up next to them, flirting and touching them, D: Being able to deal with problems in a mature way and to always have great comunication, to be totally honest with each other when required, D: Talking often and openly, D: Making sure I show my affection regularly and openly, and maintaining strong communication

I probably don’t give and and receive affection very well both physically and emotionally. But hoping to change that with practice noticing and developing. Being affectionate with myself first the. Others

Discovery: Continual communication over small things, flirting, general agreement over big things, doing things we like together, playful sex. Talking openly.

Dream: Make the sex even more playful - fun without anxiety and aim for more adventurous and longer lasting. Fabulous communication openly discussing private things and sharing more secrets.

Design: keep the flirting going, keep deliberately doing the things we enjoy together - cooking, meals and snacks, movies, the garden - but also continuing welcoming the things we enjoy separately and with other people.

Destiny: Keep taking a genuine interest in those things that bring each other pleasure. Make sure to look for signals of bids, and react. Periodically reminding her that I’m a sexual being and that this side is important to keep the flames burning. Also being open that I am taking care of my health and diet and exercise. She likes ‘manly’ jobs being done around the house, so this is a way to express my male side without having to prove it in other ways. Make her feel valued and desired.

Discovery: the laughter and the excitement in trying new things together.
Dream: I want to be a father and a husband and friend. A job that I like but doesn’t define me. I want to be creative and never let go of my inner child.
Design: I can pay more attention to bids to strengthen my listening skills and attention. I can find new skills and talents. I will never forget to have fun.
Destiny: I need to work with my SO on how she can assist me in my journey. I want her to be there when I feel like no progress has been made.

Sharing our fears and boys with one another. Caring this connection through to the bedroom. Having her want me back. Grow closer together through partnering in everything. And get there by occasionally finding ways to surprise her and show her how appreciated she is.

  • to talk over everything with each other and to be happy together
  • the live a live together forever and make each other always happy
  • get more open to everything and just talk relaxed in all kind of ways
  • being open to get better and

Being able to communicate openly and building intimacy, trust and support. Spending quality time together and allowing each to develop and frow within the relationship. Be better at listening and looking out for and making bids getting to know them better and surprise them to keep the relationship alive. Listen more than I talk have those conversations that need to happen keep making plans together and compromise

The time we spend together, the listening, the connection. That we can be there for each other. Living closer, working to become financially secure. Our shared interest.

First time writing here:
Discovery: growing together as people she allowed me to be more ambitious and I think I taught her to be more patient.
Dream: I’d want a family but also keep our emotional, intellectual and most importantly, physical spark lit. I would want a future where I don’t feel worried about sex.
Design: be more sexually active and consistently respond to bids
Destiny: I’m getting support and help but I’ll keep better everyday and soon I’ll reach it but I’ll never stop working on it.

Discovery: The best part of a relationship so far is having someone to do stuff with and have new experiences with. Dream: I hope to have a good connection to someone who wants to keep experiencing life together, travel, and cuddle alot. Design: I need to take a lot of personal steps to feel safe, learn how to connect, and communicate all of this to my partner. Destiny: I guess I need to work on allowing people to support me. I don’t really do that. I need the support of a partner who thinks my future dreams are worth their time.

The best parts of a relationship are the intimacy that’s shared that isn’t sexual.

Hope to have somebody to quite literally lean on and care for and that reciprocates.

I need to find someone up to the standards I have that’s also ready to commit to truly learning about each other.

I need a chance and also some guidance from friends.

Discovery: I suppose the best parts are that we know how to have fun together and enjoy each other’s company. We can seamlessly have a conversation respectfully.
Dream: A future where we both support each other and we enjoy what we do and are able to get the most out of it.
Design: We need to figure out how to compromise a bit more. Sometimes we are a bit on different ideological sides of the spectrum. We are doing a pretty good job at this now but it’s still going to take work and not slowing down.
Destiny: continue communicating and expressing how we feel. Fight the urge to repress things unhealthily. I need someone that is understanding and willing to see my perspective and needs.

Discovery: our bond and love for each other. We know each other very well and these moments of affirmation make that love grow

Dream: continue to make these bonds each and every day and get back to our strong sex life we used to have

Design: I need to keep learning and growing myself with the use of this app to get better and that will in tuen help our situation. I’ll need her buy in though

Destiny: I can commit to that by making it a priority. I haven’t in the past but I need to focus. And I really need her support which will help me mentally