Why do you want to be more mindful during sex?

I want to be more mindful during sex so I get out of my head about if my penis will get up or go soft. So that I can enjoy sex how it’s supposed to be.

So I can be more present and aware of what I’m enjoying when I’m with my fiancee

I get really distracted and while it has seemed more disastrous than it actually was, it has put me in a bad space that I often get avoidant

I want to be more mindful so that I can stay out of my head and in my body

Get in touch with my body’s pleasurable sensations

I want to be more mindful in all areas of my life, sex being one of those it will be improved likewise

Being in the present and enjoying the sensations and my partner is the most effective tool. If my thoughts stray and I start worrying, things don’t work.

I want to be more mindful during sex to fully enjoy and appreciate the moment, the intimacy and the feelings which sex brings. I know intuitively that being present is positive and beneficial whereas being lost in thoughts (which are usually anxious and worrisome) only leads to a negative outcome

I just want to get out of my head and focus on the sex that IS happening, not the (bad) sex that COULD happen

I want to be more mindful of exactly how I feel and what my partner feels. I want to hear every breath from her. I want to be in the moment. Instead of thinking what to do next or how long I will last, I want to just focus on the present and just simply have fun.

I want to be more mindful so I can get hard and stay hard, as well as to enjoy the experience and not think of it as something I should be doing because it is what normal people do. To not think from an ego standpoint that ‘I have to do well, I have to be amazing’ which is what takes the enjoyment out.

So I can be more present, in the moment, connected

So that I can get out of my own head, stop analysing my performance second by second and get lost in the actual moment of sex, enjoying fully this beautiful act with this beautiful person

I want to be mindful so I can make a deeper connection with my partner

To be more present in the moment, be able to switch off the self critic, to be more receptive to pleasure

To be more present in the moment, be able to switch off the self critic, to be more receptive to pleasure. Be able to switch off thoughts and focus on pleasure with any partner I fancy

I want to have a real connection with my partner.

I’d like to be more mindful just so I can be more present in the experience. Not be in my head about the erection not working, and instead just let things happen without putting expectations and presumed failure in my head.

so i can feel

I did it almost impossible to get out of my head when having seed. No matter what I say to myself, the self critic pops out??