What's one thought you can reprogram today? (early climax-dedicated thread)

She notices when I can get hard and judges me for it

I can’t get or stay hard enough for her to enjoy the sex

Alternative: she has said she’s still having a good time, cums from head, and is willing to help me work through things

I can’t stay hard anymore.

Maybe I need to lose weight

Thought: With a 10 year age gap, I am too old to satisfy her

Alt: She says I am the perfect age and she always has fun

Thought: there’s no way she can be satisfied in such a short amount of time

Alt: she can be and has stated she is, she loves me and wants to be able to enjoy sex for longer even though she can still be satisfied quickly

‘Im not going to get hard, so is it even worth trying?’

Alternative: I’ve had sexual encounters where I’ve got hard and have had a positive response from him.

‘I am going to cum to quick and he will judge me’

Alternative: If I cum to quick does it really matters that much? I could focus on him until I’m ready to go again.

I can’tget hard in certain positions

Alt:She seems to enj

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“You’re going to be too nervous to maintain an erection”

I am not going to penetrate when I am hard.

I don’t know how to move around

I can’t last when she rubs on top of me. I can’t last when we finally get going. I feel
I can’t please her anymore I feel liKe it’smy fault.

I have lasted before and have pleased her many times
We had fun our bodies are changing.

I have the same negative thought. ‘I can’t maintain the erection in doggy’

I can’t receive the stimulation I need to keep it hard in certain positions and with certain thrust and deepness in the penetration therefore I won’t be able to satisfy my partner

Alternative: I can stay hard for a while and if I train focusing on pleasurable sensations maybe I can keep my erection

Oh, no. Not again! She’s probably gonna be as disappointed as I am.

I can eat her out and please her that way. She never expresses disappointment or lack of pleasure. She’s on my side. And it doesn’t happen every time, so there’s no proof it’ll always happen.


„I will loose my erection as soon as I focus on sth else like putting on the condom or walking across the room - you need to be fast“

I have maintained erections in the past many times for long times without problems. My body can do it. If I just enjoy the moment and let my body flow in the moment I can get to penetration without losing the erection

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The last time we had sex, I did not cum. We stopped for a few minutes and wanted to start again, but I could not get an erection. my fear is that since I could not cum or achieve an erection later in the night, that it will happen again and she will eventually think I’m broken and leave me.

I did achieve interaction earlier in the night, so I know I’m not broken. Although she did inquire about my lack of interaction, she told me that rest assured that she is not concerned. I should believe her when she tells me this.

It’s been about a week since we last had sex. I thought it was something I did or was doing wrong but I never stopped and rationalized she’shad a really rough week and that she’stired and that was the reason. I took in my feelings and emotions and didn’t think about her and her mental state.

Whenever we’re having sex, I feel unattractive to her, I realize that I compare her to porn models, and I shouldn’t be doing that. And I just got to stop watching porn. I suffer from a full erection. It won’t get fully hard enough to where I can penetrate.

Feelg too good i would beat myself about
It, think I will get found out and disappoint.
Instead I now know it’s fight or flight and I have some control over the outcome

I always overthink during sex, things like “am I pleasing her?” or “will I last long enough”. It just becomes a negative loop of thoughts.

She tells me that I’m pleasing her and that she’s here to support me while I figure things out. I’ll get there, just have to put in the work and get out of my head and into my body.

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Your not going to be able to get it up but if you do you won’t be able to last