Thinking “I should be hard right now” is challenged with “I can participate with just as much pleasure without being hard this instant.”
Thinking,”I don’t deserve this because you’re not good enough”
Can be challenged with,”You deserve pleasure, your partner wants to please you”
I often get in my head about weather I’m big enough, or even if I deserve to receive. But I know I can challenge this.
I definitely fall into Categorical imperative and fortune telling. I feel like I should be able to get it up without an issue, which has almost always been the case. But these last couple of weeks have been different. I will fortune tell, and think about it a lot through out the day and make it bigger than it should be, which causes issues during the moment.
The thought of not being enough for my wife
I couldn’t maintain a solid erection. I fell into the all or nothing thinking as it happened again. I pivoted to pleasuring her with my hands, mouth and toys and made her come. Once I realized I couldn’t get out of my head to perform I shifted focus to her
The last time I had sex. I couldn’t get it up so I wont be able to this time
Fact checking my thinking because sometimes, things don’t really come out as factual
Trying to be logical and not catastraphising seems key especially when this has been your inner voice for so long
That my woman will give up trying together, regardless all my physical is checked and found okay by specialists
That happens to me as well sometimes, but then she told me I don’t have to do that. She rather has it that I try (and sometimes “fail”) then not try at all.
as soon as I start having sex I go soft… It doesn’t even happen quite as much now but every time I start to feel I’m losing it. that’s all I can think about. it’s all in my head and I’ve even been able to get hard again during sex now. there’s just sometimes I think the timings just not right and I’ve got to not be so hard of myself. morning, sex is always the best for me.
My last sex experience it was great. I could got and stay hard.
Then, on the second round, I started to wonder my arousal, and the things didn’t go naturally.
I also didn’t use condoms cause I was scared to get soft, which cannot happen again.
My partner didn’t seem disappointed at all and I’m sure he enjoyed cause he told me that. I have to believe what my partner tells me than being wondering if he wants just to please me with his words, which doesn’t make sense at all.
That I’m a failure because I couldn’t get it up
-I will definitely struggle to get hard and very likely also go soft
-This hasn’t happened every single time, it happens only when I really think about it
I’ll always go soft halfway through and can’t go on if I slip out.
This has happened in the past but last time I stayed hard and inside the guy until I came so it doesn’t happen every time.
“If I try to have sex, I will lose my erection, turn off women, and they will prefer other men to me”
A challenge to this thought is that I have been working hard to improve my erections, and will continue to do so, and I will be happy.
I was super anxious and couldn’t keep it up, and this will happen again.
I was very nervous about my last sexual encounter, so it’s normal that this happened. There was a lot of anticipation. As I feel more comfortable and ignore those thoughts it will get better. Ive also been able to maintain erections in the past.
My ex was distant and showed no interest for multiple years and then engaged in a long term affair which means I’m a failure.
Reprogram: issues in a relationship do not make me a failure but a human being. My ex’s decision doesn’t define me
I was very anxious and didn’t feel comfortable and I wasn’t able to maintain my erection. I should be able to have sex no matter what.
Reprogram: Of course you were anxious. She has been distant from you, and called you horrible names, and her reactions to not getting an erection when she is in a bad mood is terrible. But you have still managed to have sex before even when feeling like this, and there have been times she has been understanding. So you aren’t broken, you are just worried about the relationship and things going on in your life. What happens if she is upset? Doesn’t say much about your ability, just about how she feels. So you aren’t broken.
The last time i couldn’t get it up. I was tired, and recently I have masturbated frequently, that is why the sensations in my penis was weak that night.