Be a little awkward at first but I’ll own it
it’s been a long relationship and she super sweet so i feel fine but still embarrassed
I don’t have a partner. I think I would struggle to discuss this with any hookups.
As someone on the dating scene, I wouldnt mention it on a date but I have explained a bit in the bedroom when its gets to it. More recently people have been quite understanding. I even had a guy bring it up himself (about his own issues, I mean).
I was almost immediately comfortable talking to my boyfriend about my erection issues. I have also been comfortable enough sharing with a few friends with benefits that I’ve been struggling, but I haven’t necessarily owned it as much as I think I could. I believe this course is going to give me the push to have more confidence in owning the issue, and hopefully result in relieving some pressure I feel during sex.
Thanks for such a honest and detailed post. I have a similar situation starting up. Could you please give an update on his things are going now? Thanks!
I used to be deathly afraid of it but I have been (too) slowly opening
The thought terrifies me
Before this I actually did express that I’ve had trouble in the past and felt more comfortable. It felt like I wasn’t lying about an issue
Have done and it’s helping
At first I thought it was a no go discussion topic, but the more comfortable I get with her, the more I think it could be beneficial. She certainly felt comfortable voicing her own issues.
Good. My current partner and I discuss it and things are better between us. I typically have issues staying erect until the end. So, we sometimes will take a break if that happens and start up more foreplay until I’m hard again.
Apprehensive, but now 100% open discussion. My partner is very supportive and has actually already helped me with these “I” statements.
It is what it is. I’ve had to learn to be open and vulnerable about pretty much everything else in my life. Perhaps this will kill some of the anxiety before the deed is underway, and I’m stuck in my own head all alone.
Its been very difficult, esp after experiencing issues in the bed. She has been understanding and patient and i feel a sort of pressure to get this solved asap
Getting better. I still worry that any ES issues I have will prompt my wife to blame herself.
Vulnerable, nervous but curious as to what may come next
Already have and totally comfortable with it now. It was difficult initially but only because of the stigma and expectations we men put on ourselves. My partner is super encouraging and understanding. Discussing it really really helps.
I’m married, and discussing my issue has made SUCH a difference. My wife has been so supporting and we’ve worked through a lot together!