What’s an expanded definition of sex you wish you could live by?

Really feeling wanted and sexy

Being present with my partner, entering a safe space that is removed from everyday life, it is not all about penetration, it is a chance for me to both take and give and have my own needs met. It is a warm and fun space, it is not related to any other moment- it is not important and weighty but light and carefree

Being wanted, creating memories, visions and ultimately being able to explore without consequences and judgement

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I liked to feel desired. Sometimes, it feels like a fun break when a woman tries to pursue me.

Two souls connecting in mutual pleasure. To be the giver of pleasure and to be adored.

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Connecting with her in the moment. The feeling of intimacy and closeness.

Feeling good together and the ultimate act of wanting someone

An ultimate feeling of closeness. Intimacy isn’t just about sex. It’s about sharing yourself with someone. My wife thinks all I want is sex - that’s not true (well I want sex of course) but what I really crave with her is authentic and tangible intimacy.


feeling connected, safe, confident, no pressure, and no shit talking


Fully letting go and living in my body not my brain.


Being completely present and relaxed.

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I want to be able to experiment down every avenue possible with confidence

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Forming an intimate connection with another person.

Relaxation, connection, pleasure.

Feeling of being one with the other and seeing the glow in their eyes. Make them feel ecstatic.

Strengthening a connection with another person, dropping all walls and barriers and showing your authentic self

Raw animal love making without the worry of ejaculation before it gets going

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Spontaneous bonding, rather than constant threat and planning

I never thought about it before but laughter during sex sounds good… also being a bit predatory and embracing what some call “creepiness”, (like admiring her body and being a bit out of control) also sounds good