Myself, telling me I won’t get hard
i was talking to myself just doubting the fact that i can stay hard
Myself doubting and second guessing
Talking to myself, imagining the moments where I would feel doubtful that my erection would last long. Outside the bedroom, my inner critic suggests that I’m not enough and not doing enough
There’s no real visualisation yet
More so a feeling or an aura than something I can visualise
Doubt … that maybe I shouldn’t be engaging in sex with this person? Do I know them well enough to even be attempting sex with them?
Just a voice in my head worried about my performance for a girl I care deeply about
Future shamefull and embarrassed self trying to avoid the situation
It’s me, disembodied, disapproving my lost erection and warning me that my partner will no longer find me attractive.
It’s nothing it’s just there, like my own voice but not a voice
It was telling me I wasn’t enough for her due to what went on with us us in the past she loved someone else who died and played as though she was a grieving wife to him and that made me feel pushed away due to their toxic relationship
What if it won’t work. That would be so embarrassing. She would tell everyone that i can’t get it hard and everyone will be laughing and pointing fingers at me. Im not a true man if I can’t give her a rough fuck with my hard cock. Women avoid having sex with me or are not attracted to me because they can tell that i have performance anxiety even without seeing me naked. They can sense my low confidence and it repels them
Its just me talking shit in my head
It’s a voice, a feeling, sometimes the voice is mine, sometimes it’s just words, they see me and critique me , it almost feel like a butcher preparing to cut meat, is a sneaky voice that comes out when I lay in bead, or i think about intimacy with my girlfriend.
me telling n questioning myself why do i watch porn when i got a gf that loves me dearly n how disappointing i am for continually doing ts to myself and then i overthink and nut fast or don’t be all the way hard
Sounds just like me
It sounds like me, looks like me and dresses like me. It is me putting these thoughts into my head. I need to kick my inner critic out of the room. Now i just need to learn how.
It’s a voice from behind me shrouded in darkness