What does your inner critic sound like? (Part 1)

My inner critic tells me what’s the point of trying to hook up with someone if i’m not going to get hard anyway. What a waste of time, you’re just going to embarrass yourself and burn a bridge. Rather than wanting sex and engaging with someone, I end up just pushing someone away and tell myself that they weren’t interested or it wasn’t going to happen

My inner critic keeps telling me “focus on enjoying this, just let it happen” and stuff like “try to relax”. Although I think it’s just myself trying to help me in the situation, it always makes me more focused on listening to my own mind than actually relaxing. I know that I need to get rid of these thoughts and so I become focused on getting rid of them and therefore stop being in the moment

My inner critic has my voice and sounds like me quietly saying “come on just get it up, get up, get up” when I’m in the middle of foreplay. I feel like my inner critic takes me out of the moment and makes everything feel like a task.

My inner voice my own trying to convince me not to even try because it’ll end in disappointment again. I also hear the laughter of people who hear about my performance anxiety and that I can’t get it up.

I can tell my inner critique unknowingly kicks in when I feel my heart racing. I don’t realize I’m thinking about it until then.

My inner critic tells me I will loose the person I love if I don’t start performing.

My inner critic has a voice and tells me that I’m not doing a good enough job

While I suppose I do have an inner critic that says “here we go again” when things start to go wrong, my problem is more self belief or lack of trust that it’s going to work. It’s all self sabotage at the end of the day. I would love to have the tools to overcome self doubt and help get things off to a good start rather that a gut feeling that things won’t go to plan.

My inner critic doesn’t have a voice, I just can’t stay hard long enough or can’t finish, and my partner thinks it’s because I’m not in love anymore.

My inner critic tells me that I’m not worthy enough to be having sex with this gorgeous woman. She’s too good for me and I won’t be able to satisfy her with penetration. A previous partner has probably been much better than me at fucking her - so I don’t feel man enough and confident enough to do it to her. As soon as those thoughts kick in - nothing happens.

My inner critic is constantly around not just limited to sexual encounters. When things start to get heated with a girl it immediately starts making me feel nervous and recalling some of the worst times that I have not been able to get hard and it has had bad consequences. I am not able to cum with someone else and it caused major problems in my previous relationship so when I eventually do hard my inner critic will be saying even if you do get hard it won’t end in anything good.

lately, my inner critic asks me what excuse I’ll come up with tonight to get out of even attempting intercourse. He’s not mean about it, but more matter-of-fact, like it’s inevitable that I won’t be able to perform and satisfy her

Confident at being able to satisfy my partner orally. Not so confident around maintaining an erection

Inner critic is talking normally and telling me that I may not be able to keep it up. It’s my voice they’re using.

My inner critic tells me there’s something wrong with me, that its always been this way and always will be. Even though I fancy this girl like mad, know she wants it and when I’m by myself I can get myself off thinking about the things I want to do to her, the way I’ve thought about sex growing up and seeing it just as something other people has wired my brain so I can’t enjoy it it myself.

My inner critic is a sex life coach that is terrible at his job. He starts his routine first thing in the morning by reminding me when I’ll see my partner next and of the checklist of things to do or not do in preparation for sex. They include not masturbating or watching porn but thinking about sex as much as possible. Avoiding other stressors, exercising, staying hydrated, etc. By the evening and it’s time for bed I’m mentally exhausted from all the prep work and the coach becomes a critic with my own voice telling me I messed up somewhere in my routine and it’s just not my night. Not surprisingly he’s silent in the morning and that’s when I have the best change of sexual success.

My inner critic is my voice, probably right behind me, watching everything and giving me a million directions at once: don’t get overheated. don’t take too long. make sure she’s into it. if she isn’t, what’s going wrong? am i taking too long? does she think i’m taking too long? am i doing it wrong…is it too much or too little, am I ever going to finish?

My critic is a worm like and whispering voice. I imagine it being a kind of twisted and small version of my own voice dressed in preppy clothes and trolling my movements/actions and thoughts: “that won’t work,” “that’s not sexy,” etc.

Initially I found it hard to focus on this. Reading other people’s comments helped. So thx guys. My inner critic is my own voice not loud but persistent. I notice how nervous I am and the lack of confidence. It’s like I’m a child again. I don’t know if this is associated with the sexual abuse I experienced as a child. It’s also focusing on failure and inability to get erect. I also obsess over healthy eating exercising and taking supplements as I know part of the problem is physical. My inner critic if was to wear clothes would be that of an authority figure like a policeman. A lot of confusion is also apparent.

My inner critic begins talking as soon as I’m about to penetrate after foreplay. It’s my voice saying are you sure you’ll be able to stay hard? Will you be able to cum? Why did you turn this girl on so much and now won’t be able to fulfill her? And at that point I feel extremities of my body begin to tingle, my heart starts racing, my neck turns hot, and my dick just begins to go limp. I then begin questioning how it’s possible that I was just hard 30 seconds ago and now I’m limp. I try to talk myself into getting hard but it’s useless so I then blame it on my recent break up and apologize to the girl for not fulfilling what we started.

My inner critic appears we I’m about to engage in sex. I can get and keep an erection no problem but as soon as penetration is about to happen, my erection goes away completely. I have ever desire to have sex but the anxiety of my performance overwhelms me and I go completely flaccid