I would like to rather rely less on help myself connect with my partner with her create and explore our collective fantasies.
I want to do anothe thing when getting bored instead of watching porn
Maybe videocall someone
To watch some more regular porn, not just stuff that I very explicitly like. I don’t want to back myself into a corner
Whenever I want to watch something I’d rather spend time with my wife
Whenever I feel an urge to watch porn, I’ll do something constructive instead or spend time bonding with my wife.
Be more in touch with audio porn
I feel bored or there’s nothing to do. I also like posting my body and receiving affirmations but sometimes I can’t help but compare
I’d like to watch, and get aroused by more videos with couples making love, as opposed to some of the dirtier kink videos I watch
When I feel stressed I should do yoga or take a walk instead of watch porn
Don’t make it a nightly habit, read instead and enjoy porn when I want to rather than on a schedule
I want to use porn as a way relieve my hornyness, not as a way to district myself from what I meed to do
When I feel stressed, porn should not be ny default. I should play the drums, go for a run, read, tidy my apartment instead
When I feel like watching porn I want to pick up another habit
I would like to stop entirely. I have been using it as a panacea cure-all for years. Bored, sad, happy, stressed? Hit that dopamine button. But I’ve also been using it to intentionally avoid actual sexual encounters, and in recent years (since Covid) it’s become compulsive. I have a history of ED where I just lose my mojo right as things get hot and heavy and I am certain it’s from having an unhealthy relationship with porn. But this app is showing me that the porn is not the problem, it’s my anxiety and depression that are driving me
I want to dramatically reduce my use of porn entirely. I use it whenever sometimes I don’t even feel horny but I run one out anyway.
I want to end it completely. I once achieved a spiritual orgasm. It was a moment in life where I felt aligned, and I had no previous knowledge of what it was until it happened to me and I researched it after no drugs, no alcohol no masturbation ,writing my journal every day and meditation.
I need to stop watching so much of it out of boredom. I’ve wasted so much time on porn
I want to rely on video porn less and make it more of a mental arousal. Using erotic stories could help with that.
Use it only every few days as a reward, not compulsively 3x a day