What do you want to change about your porn use? (Part 2)

I want to cut my porn use in half. I want to practice my golf game or develop a new hobby instead of watching porn, masturbating and having an orgasm.

I want to diversify the ways I cope instead of going to porn. Talking to friends, being social, doing an activity, whatever it is. I need to change how I approach my anxieties and not rely on porn to self soothe everything like I used to.

Porn has made me think of myself in a negative light. I should be bigger, last longer, have a perfect body. I know these thoughts aren’t true but I don’t check them at the door. I’ve tried quitting watching porn. I struggle with my sobriety. It’s never “I can’t” but it’s “I struggle and it’s a work in progress. Progress it’s always linear and I have to remind myself

I want to stop watching porn when I’m bored and only watch it when I want to arouse myself.

Right now I use pork as stress relief, and as an excuse to not get intimate with my partner. That needs to change.

I don’t watch porn anymore. This module has been interesting because the message is clearly that it isn’t as bad as people think in some cases. But for me, I worry that 1) I will compare my real-life partners to porn stars unfavorably, and thus feel less attracted to their bodies, and 2) I’ll stunt my imagination because the images, storylines, etc will be supplied for me.

I think I’d like to lose it to start exploring different kinds of things I’d like to explore and have that reflected in my porn choices like FTM porn or leather and bondage type porn and start exploring different fetishes and kinks that I might have as a way to research and explore what’s possible…


I only watch porn when my partner is away with work. However as I’ve been having errection issues, lately porn is my only chance of getting an errection and now after I watch it, I feel a sense of shame and sadness and I needed to rely on porn to get errect. Sometimes when I watch porn I then start to think that this is my only way of getting an errection and that then creates an extra sense of shame.

Stop watching it completely

My partner and I don’t have sex often, so when I’m bored I look at porn a lot. I’ve also taken to watching a particular type of video and in bed whilst she sleeps next to me. I want to rewire my brain so I’m not turning to porn as a coping mechanism or as a means to an end.

I want to stop watching the same kind of visuals when I watch porn as it is leading to unrealistic expectations for my sex partners and making it harder to get erect without a certain kind of visual

I want to have porn as a less important source of getting hard and staying hard and have my relationship be the source. If porn is to be the occasional aid in the healthiest way then fine.

I want to stop feeling that porn is the only way I can masturbate when I am by myself.

I would like to cut down porn consumption in general. Some days I watch it almost , just randomly throughout the day.

I want to mix up my porn so a mix of videos and thoughts.

Whenever I get the urge to watch porn, I’ll go for a walk or pray instead of going on my phone and being within an isolated setting. Stopped watching it to cleanse my mind from any negative thoughts

Watching porn to nap!

Previous watching has made me have an unhealthy sense of what sex is like

I’d watch pork before I sleep it was routine. But I’d spend a long time looking for the perfect video. Also had to have a good facial to finish it off, this is not a realistic part of a relationship & I need to focus on that