What do you want to change about your porn use? (Part 1)

I have cut back/stopped watching porn as I was expecting a certain physique from my partner and that was making it hard to maintain erection

I want to not feel ashamed or like I’m just feeding my addiction.

I would like to limit porn to occasionally only, and only for fun and pleasure. Not several times a week to release stress or when I’m bored.

Stop using porn as a trigger and instead touching or looking real woman as a trigger.
No more masturbation when bored at home

Watching/reading it reminds me of how much more effort it takes for me to get aroused enough to have sex. It’s like a whole part of my life is missing.

Maybe mix up the content of porn I watch more so there’s less reliance on specificity. Next partner I get, be more transparent on these kinks, or quickly accept life doesn’t work like that. I think I should stop watching as much porn in virtual reality too, as it adds to the layer of immersion and expectation

I developed a feet/tickling fetish from when i was young and believed that led to some of my issues in bed because i was instantly able to get an erection when watching those type of videos as opposed to other things and other experiences. though i know that’s not the main issue i still feel better refraining from those videos which i have for months because it’s allowed me to explore some more common things that are a usual turn on for both parties in the bedroom and has allowed me to become more in tune with myself in efforts to better myself.

I want to change the mentality and masculinity idea that porn has. The men are always super fit and always super hard, and i think that has affected my overall confidence when I’m not “performing” in the same manner.

Its shame based. Id like to go back to self visualizations like fantasies about that high school girl in the back seat of my car and re inacting my own personal expiriences… not someone elses.

I want to avoid using porn whenever I am bored or feeling stressed. I want to take control of my porn use. Going forward I will watch porn once a day at the most and only in the evening

I think I used to watch it because I was horny, which is normal.
But with time passing by, I started feeling it was my only way to relieve my arousal because I was single for years. And after a while it was my way to deal with loneliness.
Like saying, “I don’t need a partner, I am ok. If I feel horny, I watch porn, masturbate and I can carry on with my life. I don’t need anyone”.
Probably not just that.
So now, I want to watch it for entertainment only.
I am not alone anymore.
And even if I were, that’s not the solution.

Recognize if porn is an issue with my current ED issues.

I want to be aroused by simpler porn. It’s escalated to the point of having to watch unrealistic standards being perceived like absolutely massive breasts or toys representing dicks that are impossibly large.

When I started noticing my erection issues, my first thought was porn use. I’d been regularly watching porn since I was 10, so I figured I must have fried my brain somehow. And I knew it was an issue when I tried to quit and couldn’t. For almost four years, I couldn’t get more than a couple weeks without falling back into it and when I did, it would be for weeks at a time. I kept making excuses like I won’t be with anyone soon since I’m single. I finally had a negative sexual encounter recently that made me kick it entirely. I haven’t looked at porn in almost two months, and honestly I feel better. I have more time. I had a bad habit of trying to make the high last instead of orgasming and I would feel bad afterwords because I knew I wanted to quit but couldn’t. I would also then have brain fog for hours afterwards almost like a reminder. I’m hesitant to even try to come back to “healthy” porn use since I’ve managed to break free from it, but I don’t want to stigmatize it in my mind either. As someone with some pretty intense kinks, I could try watching more vanilla videos and less frequently.

I think I should start watching “vanilla” porn more and less of what I really fetishize. My fetish is not necessarily sex related and may be the reason I have a hard time performing or even wanting to perform for my partner

When I have sex, I enjoy both the sex and the orgasm, but with porn I only care about orgasming. I wish I could capture 10% of the pleasure and stimulus I receive from the act of sex.

In reviewing this section, I can clearly see that my porn habits were a result of a piece of my anxiety that had not been addressed

Not to feel like I’m messing with erections in sex. Not to use as source of security for getting proper erections. Keep use to minimal.

I’ve decreased my porn usage drastically. Initially I thought watching it was a problem… but in hindsight I actually had a pretty ok relationship with porn.

I’m ok with the frequency that I watch now… If anything, I’d probably like to not feel guilty after I watch porn, coz I occasionally do… And possibly diversify my fantasies

Not much, maybe try exploring some different scenarios in porn to broaden my horizons