What do you think about pelvic floor exercises?

Interesting, I didn’t know how involved these muscles were.

I’ve heard of these before but never attempted until today

I felt a little movement in my pelvic floor when sitting on my hands and inhaling. I’m suspecting it may be more weakness than tightness but could be both. Kegels felt a little exhausting.

New to it and found it a lot to take in at first. Also, I am struggling to keep breathing while holding the pelvic.

I’m having trouble figuring out if my pelvic floor is too tight or too relaxed. It’d be great to have a video helping us determine that (not sure if that’s possible at all).

They felt good, I will keep doing these. First thing in the program that has actually felt like it might work.

I’ve done Kegels before but the hold for 10 seconds I found difficult. No problem with the pulse but I could only hold for 3-4 seconds.
Agree with the other comments, an assessment to cause our progress would be helpful.

They give stamina. Like sexual pleasure

I can feel something getting worked down there so hopefully I am on the right track. Another opportunity to silence the internal critic I guess lol

I found it hard to hold tight for 10s. Some ppl can last 30s or longer

While I do believe pelvic floor exercises and stretches will be helpful. I am confident my pelvic floor is strong and not tight. I don’t think it will provide significant improvement for me but I will do the daily stretches regardless.

Done kegels for years but have been doing them wrong. If I ever got to the point of no return PONR I would kegel as hard as I could to stop myself from ruining the night and I would kegel so hard I would lose blood flow to the little fella.

So I ended up thinking they were bad and took a break. It’s the pulses and rests In-between that separate it from just mindlessly squeezing a muscle and hoping for the best.

I just started doing them recently again. I remember I used to do them often as a teen but for some reason I stopped being in tune with my body and had neglected this part. Also my job requires a lot of sitting with may have affected the pelvic floor muscles but now that I’ve been reminded of them I can keep doing them and strengthen them again.

A little confused if I’m doing it right or wrong , I’m fairly active and do yoga but never have actually ben aware of that muscle so at the very least I’m gonna bring so awareness into it for now and see where it leads

Took me a while to figure out how to do these, but really excited now I’ve cracked it! Really useful having those videos to help the exercises.

Easy to do a few times but making it a habit it will be a struggle


My only concern having done these before is they can make you spectator more and focus more then you should on your groin throughput the day

I found the pulse tensing of the pelvic floor actually quite uncomfortable and could feel the muscle fatiguing with the longer repetitions. Good sign that I need to keep up these exercises daily! The stretches were great - definitely will be repeating this