What did you learn about your inner critic today?

I learned it comes from a place of natural physiology meant to do good, but one way of another my reflexes have been tainted or desensitized. It’s now a faulty tripwire that needs to be rewired.

I think my inner critic is firmly attached to how I feel inside, it’s hard to externalise it. I feel like it would look like a twisted version on me

It feels good to have an image to attach a feeling I didn’t know how to describe to it sums up the feeling in a prompt way. Looking forward to further understanding how to control these feelings and feel more at peace with them just with this initial explanation

Inner critic doesn’t so much have an appearance, rather a feeling. This makes it difficult to visualize.

it was quite powerful. an imposing and emotionally cold figure with a disapproving expression. seemed like a good representation of toxic masculinity

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Looked scary

Definitely resonated with me

A bit. Mine more like a heckler in the background

Helps identify it. Control it

Tough to say. I always feel that it’s a shadow over me. Holding me back.

It does resonate with me weirdly. It kinda of embodies everything I don’t want to be. It’s obese, withered, and impotent which makes sense

Mine is more like this slow shadowy feeling, the image made me feel that

I think so, it reminds me of the shy quiet person that I once was that wants to hide. Which makes sense as my inner critic is trying to keep me safe

It felt alright, it resonated with me a bit

Mine is more just an extension of myself. Like a dark version of me.

It just stops me from what I need to do

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It’s like some twisted hopeless hero version of my self. Constantly battling some kind of insurmountable odds, like that’s an admirable thing

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It represents an inner battle I fight mentally and physically. Something to over come

It is difficult to associate my inner critic with an image as it is mainly associated with a non-well-defined feeling of insecurity rather than a person.

I never thought of my inner critic as a person. I’ve always associated it more with a feeling.

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