So, what sex myth do you struggle to let go of?

You need to have bigger penis to give satisfaction.

The myth that porn sex is par for the course. I start thinking that big, hard and for that long is what I need to measure up to. Ironically, makes me hesitant to have sex and just rely on porn. Not a good loop.

I remember how porn became my coping mechanism for stress. I had really bad experiences of rejections with my first sexes. Now the sex itself is a source of anxiety for me which I run away from it to porn.

I am pretty convinced at this point in my life that I do have at least sub form of porn induced erectile dysfunction. Constantly seeking it out as a soothing mechanism and a form of stress, relief, and not really having a healthy implementation of it in my life. I’m not sure that I can have porn in my life and I’ll have it be detrimental to my sexual health

I have been using porn to destress for a long time, this has made it easier to cum without anxiety which normally happens in partner sex, now I know that because I use it so much to get that anxiety free release that’s the problem for me. I need to get that release from sex first then perhaps I could watch it again and it not affect my sex life but right now it does so it’s out for now.

All of them I guess. Hearing these facts is very reassuring, so much so that it is somewhat arousing.

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Everything resonates

That I need to always be up for sex and it’s a failure if we both don’t orgasm

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That I should be able to get hard instantly and have be solid as a rock the entire way through.


Porn has become such a habit. I use it to get to sleep or distract myself when I’m even the littlest bit bored. The “nostalgia” idea resonates — some of my most favorite porn are still videos I saw decades ago.

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That using every time I masturbate desensitises me to sex. A constant state of ‘feast’ versus famine


Porn drives me to always be in a state of sexual thinking.

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This kills me because if I’m not hard when i foreplay or anything I’m immediately in my head and it’s down hill from there.

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That I’m permanently desensitized to sex or ruined/broken sexually because of porn


Resonate with this one and having an inner critic amplified by an outer critic (ex-partner) compounded the anxiety which could not be acknowledged by my ex

The erotic equation was a great claim because that is how pornography started for me as a kid. Unfortunately, anxiety made the issue worse and I am aware of the factors that played a role in my sexual experiences but I was assigned all the blame for challenges with sex in my previous relationship so all the healing I am doing is being corrected on my own instead of with full context of all contributing factors but I know I will be better for it in my next relationship

That i cannot get hard without porn, or more recently adult games (which is something i think Mojo should explore, as games can be even more immersive).
Or that i cannot maintain an erection without thinking about porn, or fantasies in my mind created by porn.

Porn has been to me for a long time an exit strategy, an escape from my real life problem and eventually it got me stuck with them, because I used porn hub consolation for my life failures, or perceived as

Moreover I have to add that in that in that regard born feels very invalidating to me, because using it as an emergency exit as I am experiencing problems I should be attending instead, it distract me and my attention and energies from real life, and prevent me from dealing with it and the real troubles. And that is very frustrating and makes me feel very guilty, not because of watching porn by itself (I am very open minded and that seems to me anything to be worried nor to feel ashamed about) that because this way I am actually forfeiting and neglecting my real life and I end getting stuck in many ways and situations. And that reflects also on relationship, whether I am emotionally or sexually involved or both the two

I still believe that porn desensitized me from real sex

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