Hey Guys
Been a member for about 90 days straight. Since starting Mojo my confidence is back, I’ve quit porn, doing the daily physical and mental exercises etc…
Yesterday, my wife saw me relaxing after doing some landscaping and DIY outside and she initiated sex. We have a pretty regular sex life which I’m very proud of especially since we have been together for many years.
My biggest fear during sex is that I’ll take too long to cum and as a 50 yo man that type of thing gets inside my head.
Anyways, it all went pretty smoothly, and in fact it felt pretty darn amazing. After I came we were both a bit short of breath and we laughed and she went directly to the shower to clean up.
After giving her a few moments of privacy I joined her in the shower and asked if she needed ‘any more’ to also cum. It’s important to me not to just assume sex is finished because I’m satisfied.
‘im all good’ she explained. ‘i got there too’. She made a gesture with her fists list two atoms colliding and exploding. ‘It was stereophonic’ she laughed and smiled.
I walked around all day with a goofy smile on my face just like I had sex for the very first time.
Thank you Mojo for building this app, for the science, the education and most of all for the community.
I hope this story helps someone else out there that has also been struggling.
Rock on team