New to this so want to know if this is working

I’m new to the app and wanted to know if this is genuinely helping. I have no issues getting an erection but I get too self aware during sex that I often lose it. Is this something you guys are facing and feel like the app has helped with?

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I’m new here as well, I’m not sure If this app works yet. But this is bringing some positive mindset within me . And I believe that will be a catalyst for my change.

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Honestly guys this app has worked for me.
We are all different with our own issues, but as I said I’ve found good results.
You’ve got to want it to work, and you’ve got to work at it.
Some of the exercises are a bit unusual but once you understand why you di them, and when you see a small improvement… then that leads to increased confidence and belief in yourself.
That’s my experience.

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I was convinced all my issues are about blood flow. While pills pay sometimes act as an insurance policy they are not full proof. It’s definitely the mindset - I find some of the exercises a little quirky but if you have a positive experience once with your significant other after putting this into practice it does make a difference. My wife has noticed that I’ve now tried to turn sex more into a game and has gotten into the mood more which in turn has helped my confidence. Keep at it! It’s not perfect yet I still have some moments but already seeing improvement 3 weeks in.

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