If you’ve tried meditation, how did it help?

I think when you have thoughts that cause you stress, your brain continues to throw them at you because of the emotional importance you’ve placed on them. When you meditate, you have the thoughts, and then refocus your attention, it tells your brain that these thoughts aren’t SO important that you can’t focus on other things (your breath), which your brain then no longer feels the need to throw them at you so often. Just my two cents.

I have been meditating for a few years now. The shift is so subtle that often I would oversee it. However , today looking back I see how that has improved my self awareness.

It calmed my thoughts

I haven’t really tried mediation before, but I think some of the tools in mojo are meditation relation so j and keen to try it. I want it to calm my mind.

My regular morning prayer, a routine recitation of verses, had always been an opportunity for meditation. I can find techniques to make this prayer time evej more valuable

Hoping to gain body awareness calmness and able to let my head not fight my body

I remember I meditated for a few weeks and it did in fact help my erections immensely ! And the thing is, that wasnt even the reason I was meditating in the first place !!

Meditation in the past for me has been a really good tool for relaxation and sorting my thoughts and is most definitely something I need to get back to

I love it. It puts me in the present moment. I am able to control my thoughts better and what comes and goes into my mind. But most importantly that it’s ok to let some thoughts come into your head and then you can easily let go of them. It’s a game changer.

I’ve used meditation techniques for trying to relieve stress and it works decently, but it hasn’t helped much with my sex drive.

More relaxed and self awareness

I’m a long time meditator but still get hooked on negative critical thoughts in the middle of sex. Then I scold myself for my poor performance especially when I should be able to tune in to mindfulness

The ability to be totally present is the greatest gift of meditation. In that moment there is no stress, no worry and a feeling of total awareness and life. I want to do this daily as in my limited time I know it makes a difference.

Hoping to finally get out of my head. Feeling excited to start.

Makes me so much calmer

Strong erections at the right moment. Maybe some greater calmness day to day too.

Haven’t tried meditation but I’m hoping it will help me let go and shut off my brain during intimacy

I’ve never tried meditation but I know it will help me differentiate between helpful and unhelpful thoughts, and being calm in these situations where my mind is running wild will allow me to think calmly in order to counter my inner critic and take control back and get back into my body.

Not sure yet, but definitelly something has changed

If meditation helps me to change the confused stormy mental sea into one of calm waves, that would be a major success for me