If you’ve tried meditation, how did it help?

Freeing my mind

To free my mind of negat8ve thoughts

To let myself let go, stop living in y head and just experience the moment

I’ve been practicing Vipassana meditation for the last 3 years. Nothing has had such a profound effect on my life. In this moment, it means I’m not freaking out about my penis going soft in certain moments; I’m viewing it as a momentary thing, just another phenomena in this ever changing world.

I’m looking forward to the possibility of simply existing in the moment. No getting stuck in my head or disassociating, just being and feeling…

To get out of my head and hopefully to stop internalizing everything

I would like to commit to a regular meditation practice to quiet the lizard brain or monkey mind so I can better regulate my nervous system, be more present, and live the life of a sexual dynamo!!!

To learn some tactics to silence the inner monologue of doom that inevitably results in poor sexual performance

I really do need to just be quiet sometimes

Meditation has helped me with anxiety and stress in the past

Tying to be Ron Swanson and think of literally nothing

I did have meditation routine while back and I remember have a more positive attitude towards life and stress

Meditation made it possible for me to eventually enter a state where i we completely calm within seconds of making the decision to relax. I’m out of practice now, and I’m learning how to deal with the thoughts running through my head like a beginner again.

Meditation is amazing. I have tried Zen meditation before and it has helped me to have better sex and more confidence in all areas of live. I just can’t recommend it enough

It slowed everything down and made everything feel less dire.


It has helped ground me, especially in my yoga practice. I cannot recommend it enough!