How would you describe the sensation of a Reverse Kegel?

Definitely a muscle I don’t ever intentionally work, but ya it’s definitely used in sex stuff, and bathroom stuff.

Dropping a duece


The ‘pushing out a fart’ prompt was uh… pretty easy to follow

The visualizing blowing up a balloon out of your butt made a difference for me!

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Not sure if I’m just tensing my abs

Farting bro

Like taking a ghost dump

The feeling became more prominent in 2nd week; it is progression. Keep it up!

Think it wasn’t difficult to get to understand because I do normal kegals already

Like you’re trying to push out a fart. Kinda weird!

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I feel like I do this already unknowingly but paying attention to it is a little strange

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Pushing out a fart visualization helped more than pushing out urine

Pushing out a fatt

Pushing out a fart

Pushing out a fart visualisation is spot on!

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Pushing out a fart or a poop

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Like bunching, or squeezing the muscles between my balls and ass then releasing

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As the narrative said, visualize blowing a butt bubble. Works every time

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I am like a gourd

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