I found I started to lose my erection in the stops for sure, but it definitely felt like I was able to build up my arousal more steadily.
I found that masturbating around the glans made me get closer to the point of no return. So when that was happening I went back to masturbating more at the base or loosening my grip which allowed me to continue. I managed to get to 10 mins without cumming which I felt was an achievement. I just dont know how this would pan out if I were with a girl actually having sex ? I guess more practice is required
Noting happened
Last time I stopped I couldn’t get it hard again.
Didn’t get past5 arousal scale by myself
I find that I have to stop pretty regularly and each interval doesn’t last especially long. Made it to 10mins though!
Had to move away from the tip after a few minutes to keep it under control. I start to get like a butterflies feeling in my gut when I’m getting close, so stopping, breathing, and holding a level help me reset.
I enjoyed it. Felt super hard and was able to last. Found different areas that felt good and tried a lot of different things
Actually tonight I had to push myself to go to a high-level of arousal.
I find I can get really hard but it doesn’t stick around.
So effective its still hard
Able to last longer, but lost but if hardness here and there
I liked it but when arroused my peak is still close. Hard to cool down and stay ready to go
I find it easy to control my arousal level when I’m alone (and without porn). It’s always with a partner or porn that my arousal peaks instantly. Which is what always led me to believe it’s a mental thing, a learned behavior conditioned by years of porn & rushing climax
Actually felt quite easy to keep masturbating fairly fast for several minutes without feeling lik I was about to cum, it would be amazing to feel that level of control and calm during penetration
Was going well overall, but the point of no return happened all of a sudden. I’m sure practice will help me tune into my arousal levels better.
Lasted the 10 minutes with quite a lot of lube, and only reached climax zone once. Decided not to finish afterwards
Managed to make it pas ten minutes then the orgasm was quite intense