How do you plan to simmer?

Having more meaningful and long kisses graving her face, touching more. Hotter and less “cute” messages. Truth is I prefer having sex whenever she is in the mood than not having even if am not in the mood. Because our moods dont allign so often.

more touch on the sofa

more touching …not just at night but during the day also…kissing with hands on her face

More passionate kisses when saying hello or goodbye

I’ll send sexy, playful texts to my partners. I’ll gently stroke their cheek when kissing them.

Definitely could do with sexier texts

Kisses hello and goodbye!

I want to try solo simmering first before partnered (even though I’ve been doing that and just didn’t realize it lol). Mainly bc I want to boost my own personal self confidence first and focus on myself a little. Maybe create more sexy scenes in my mind during a workout or even at the beach.

Drop notes throughout the day and caress their arm.

Solo, but more compliments when with a partner

My relationship is new so these things come naturally at this stage of mutual excitement. Currently I have to be away for 3 months from my partner so I would have work with solo simmering and start building the excitement when I meet her again

I like the longer kisses; will definitely do that. But first I have to give her the heads up. She might panic if I do it out of the blue.

I plan to simmer solo as I am single. I want to focus heavily on my attraction to women and what makes me desire them. I want to think of words, moments, and conversations that will increase arousal.

Building the sexual tension

I’ll need to simmer by myself, as I’m single. Currently seeing a girl from Tinder, so probably will try to fantasise about her a little bit every now and again

My ex and I had indeed lost appetite for one another and were not talking about it. We got along very well, but had stopped trying to spice it up. After a year of mourning, I’m actually excited about the new opportunities. I have issues with low self esteem and feel like my libido is pretty low still, but am working hard on myself to get back on track. I know I can do it

I want to continually simmer to keep my libido warm - thanks for the tips!

A more intense and mindful kiss when going or coming home from work.
More spicy comments while ordinary tasks like washing dishes or so.

Every day touches and kisses are great for both people.

Me and my partner are actually quite good at this already, especially her I guess. But we’ll try to enforce it even more!