How do you keep the sexual flow going?

Watching my wife pleasure herself (and her knowing I am watching) keeps things moving.

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Kissing a lot or continuing to touch her body so there is less or a break in connection or maybe using that time to ask her to get into the position she wants

I try to ask her to do different things for me. But I’m so far in my head nothing works

Touching and kissing my partner

Getting all the stuff we need reachable. Avoid being interrupted by kids by choosing a right time.

Partner using her mouth is good. I’ve tried using them when I masturbate as well, so as not to have the added pressure. That was not bad, either.

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Be in close physical touch with my partner.

Having my girlfriend kiss my neck or play with my balls whilst I put the condom on has been a massive help for keeping my erection. Also just chatting to her about the fact I have these issues, takes the pressure off because she knows what to expect

There you go! It’s all in our head(s). Im sure you have a nice cock.

typically i lose my erection in the middle of sex. when that happens i will immediately resort to oral sex to make sure i at least finish the job for her. sometimes it revamps me other times not so much

Recently, it’s going for it quickly after erection so my mind doesn’t start messing with me OR starting out by massaging her so there is no expectation to perform and it gives me plenty of time to get hard.

Sounds identical to me!

Using my hands touching on their body

Eating her out

Touch me. Touch her. Surprise. Be excited. Stop start. Lick. Caress. Connect energetically with her.


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I like her to keep touching me in certain places and to talk to me, dirty or not. It’s a good distraction and keeps the mood light

I let her keep masturbating me, as well as touch my nipples, an erotic zone of mine

Very good! You stay hard then?

Over the counter medication that won’t work