How do you keep the sexual flow going?

Continue to kiss and feel her body while putting on the condom.

Sexy talk or touching parts of my body

I tend to see what is working and make sure we keep doing that. If anything, I also tend to think of sexual situations to make it exciting. I also like to close my eyes and feel the pleasure and try to enjoy it a bit more.

Eye contact, rubbing and kissing passionately is always a good distraction

I try to get my partner involved in some way that maintains the desire and confidence. Maybe she masturbates me or performs oral as I open the condom or get my mind ready for penetration. Partner particular and mutual desire really seems to help I’ve noticed.

Foreplay with no expectations, just exploring each other’s bodies all while trying not to get in my head

Making sure she can orgasm through touch or tongue, and try to forget as much as possible about penis stuff. Then eventually when relaxed, it comes back. If she talks about it or asks that I fuck her… well it brings it back and puts the pressure back on, so gotta keep her occupied. Chatting about it after sex helps make sure that she doesn’t voice her expectations while I’m struggling - since it’s counterproductive

I don’t. But I really like it when she runs her fingers through my hair, talks about what she wants in a sexy voice, connects with me on other levels…

Talking sexy… fore play

Gentle biting, fingers in her mouth, feeling her hands on my body

Kissing, primarily sensual areas of my partner

I have a thing for dirty talk anyway but I find that vocalising what I want to do to my girlfriend or what I want to do to me sort of distracts the part of my mind that might otherwise be spectatoring

More foreplay, sensitive and soft touches with the other half

We worked out anplan for when I isually ahve trouble and changed things up. She just jbiws to use her hands for a bit when I go soft and try again.

Letting her get on too. And ride for a bit. Normally does the trick

Transitioning to self pleasuring to reach orgasm

Making it a game, and trying to lighten the mood. I have very sensitive nipples so get them to play with the nipples helps me stay firm while getting ready

Try to take in all the stimulation… the sight of her on the bed, naked, enjoying my touch; her expressions of pleasure (she needs to be vocal, it’s a big turn on!); and how my body feels in that moment.

Keep the vibe of full body pleasure going. Enjoy being in the moment. Love the touch

Overall forgetting about putting the condom on can help me forget about losing my erection. Going down on her and pleasuring my partner is the easiest way for my to forget about it.