How do you keep the sexual flow going?

I like forceful touch with my partner and lots of kissing. Direct interaction is the most sexy for me.

I love using my fingers with my partner to feel each other and that’s usually builds a lot of energy.

Oral sex and kissing all over their body

Get head while unpackaging the condom

Sometimes her touching me first helps when I’m not above her and my head is rested in the pillow lessens the pressure and makes the flow easier but when I move from that spot where I am comfortable…I start to think and I get so scared then I’m just staring at my penis telling it that it feels good and that this is what you want…but then my brain say how can you want this…its so uncomfortable.

Maybe by moving to a different positioning

Have my partner rim me while putting the condom on

What puts the most pressure on me is the waiter off the other. Sometimes the packet doesn’t open well, or the condom is reluctant to unroll correctly. Even if it’s quite fast, I always feel it takes an eternity and start thinking my partner is losing patience and she is bored and didn’t want to have sex anymore…

I like to pleasure myself in between any transitions during intercourse. My partner making noises helps a lot too. When she pleasures me during any transitions. Giving her head and she’s audibly enjoying is good too.

Thinking about getting back to it instead of focusing on the pause. Imagining what you are going to do to your partner once it’s on. I think these things help.

Do t have partner simply waiting, have them interact some way or possibly just sorting themself for the time it takes while flow broken

dirty talk, have her help open the condom

Just dont stop no matter what. Keep doing whatever is working in that moment. Also, i like when she touches me and kisses my neck and my legs. Its really hot. I also like to watch her beautiful body, visual stimuli helps greatly - well, not always.

I haven’t actually tried this but I think it might be a good idea to have the condom open and facing the right way up before you actually need it so it minimises the interruption. Just a thought.

I think conversation is the biggest thing I have found to help. I tend to get in my head when I enter transitional moments during sex (changing positions, putting a condom on, moving from foreplay to intercourse etc.) When I have someone who is comfortable talking and keeping me mentally engaged I tend to do a lot better. It doesn’t have to be roleplaying or sexual conversation, even just talking about our bodies or how we feel about one another helps tremendously.