How did your 5-minute penis-root masturbation go?

Breath work helped relax my body. It is quite subtle, the pleasure, and I felt rushed or pressured to be hard until the reminder came in to just focus on tuning into the body. Once the pressure was off, I could feel a bit more pleasure.

I stayed hard for much more of the session this time. I could feel more building pleasure. It made me want to go faster to catch it. But i needed to breath and remember just to enjoy it.

Didn’t really feel much, but not watching porn and feeling stimulated was a good sign I guess

Deep breath helped. Trying to find the sensations was also great

Starting to get a little more sensation out of this this time.

It was hard to not focus on getting hard but it did feel good

Focusing on breathing is helping me control my rate of arousal. Hopefully with more practice, I can have better control over the time it takes me to finish. This exercise helps me tune into different sensations that are not so intense but still pleasurable.


Did anyone get cramp in their thumbs doing this?!

Great exercise, managed to get in the zone and came by only touching the base at about 6 minutes. Feeling good about this exercise.