How did your 5-minute penis-root masturbation go?

It felt good. This is my 3rd time at the exercise, can stay hard and can experience more pleasures. It did take some practice to get to this stage

I didn’t stay hard for the full exercise

Wasn’t very arousing, but relaxing and enjoyable.

Didn’t have much pleasure but managed to stay hard

I was hard at the beginning but became soft at the end. I don’t have any critical thoughts about going soft, so that’s a win in my book.

Relaxing and some pleasure from managing to stay hard

No critical thoughts when I went soft, still enjoyed the feeling even when soft

Found a little more pleasure this time round. Also found I was very hard for the duration

Found it difficult to remain hard the entire time but felt good performing even when soft

I’m having difficult feeling anything at all from PRM

Was able to stay harder the 2nd time doing this

There was more pleasure this time

I’m in the same boat man.

I feel a lot more tingling through my whole penis instead of just the top half

Managed to stay hard through the whole exercise this time

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I am still not getting sensation from this exercise. I don’t stay hard. I will keep trying it.

Was not able to get hard at all this time. Will try again

Feelin better

Visualisation worked

Couldn’t get hard