Have you made any decisions to change your porn habits?

I’m still struggling with the dark BDSM that I find super hot. It honestly feels like an addiction and brings my mind to dark places, but I keep coming back to it because nothing gets me harder or makes me cum better.

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I’ve made the decision to not use porn as a regular stress reliever. I’ve decided to only use it when I absolutely feel like I need to distract myself - like once a month max. I want to build other self soothing techniques that are healthier for me so that sex/masturbation is associated with pleasure, not stress.

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I feel less ashamed of using porn, almost like it was this evil activity haha whereas it’s normal to use (and doesn’t mean I’m fucked up for liking it). Saying that I do want to reduce how much I use it, both to just practice self-control and also because sometimes I’m using it for the wrong reasons like stress relief and then feeling guilty after

I do watch porn occassionally when masturbating but rewire yourself to enjoy the partner rather than porn for an escape. Sex is a pleasure without judgements not a forceful act or a sentence.

For me, I think it is important for it not become a crutch for stress relief. I also believe it is important to seek ethnically produced porn, recognizing that sed trafficking and unwilling participants is real.

Following this program has really made me realise that my porn habit was to act out fantasies I imagined would be wonderful. Finally booked a couple of happy ending massages at a local Thai place and reality did not live up to expectations. Porn has lost its appeal now and only hit it when really bored.

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I’ve been abstaining from porn and feel all the better for it. I feel like my arousal and imagination are higher and more engaged than they were when I was relying on visuals for stimulation. The things I found myself watching were often unrealistic fantasies (that I probably wouldn’t actually want in real life), so it’s also helping to enjoy a more realistic view of sex.

This year, I’m gonna try to challenge me and reduce the porn I watch. This may sound completely dumb, but soon it will be Mardi Gras, and after that I usually give up one food item that brings me pleasure for the 40 days of lent. This is done with the idea that every great things (e.g. pizza) brings its negative elements too (e.g. fat). So this year I’m gonna give up porn for lent :muscle:t2::confetti_ball:

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I think I feel less guilt and shame surrounding porn. The shift in perspective definitely helps. But I still see benefit in reducing and relying on it less, so I’m going to try to use other tools.

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Working on my mentality has definitely helped and I think writing down the why is the best thing. It has helped me address the reasoning and the ways I can address the needs I have through other avenues

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I’ve found that porn has become a sexual “comfort zone” for me, which is nice once in a while, but I think it has hurt my ability to enjoy and engage with real sex, so I’m gonna try going completely porn free for a while to see if I can reset the process. I’m tired of going soft when it matters.


Switching from visual to audio to move the fantasy back into my imagination also using it for more specific purposes not just “browsing “


Same here.

I notice after about a week without porn I stop sexualising women all the time. It’s quite powerful and my views and perspectives shift

I’ve been taking broader notice of when I was watching particularly in the last year and realized how much of it was stress relief and neglect from a former partner as I tried to fill a void. I’m working towards moving away from those associations.

I will be more conscious and analytical of my porn habits. An initial analysis about my habits, feelings and actions with porn will help determine what is best

I’ve cut it out and felt a lot better. It’s a complete distraction and takes away from real work situations and sensations. Look forward to what’s ahead for me :slight_smile:

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I’ve gone cold turkey and have been able to fight off the urges. I even went as far as unsubscribing from and YouTube channel that and centered on stimulating images that are soft in nature. I am in this for the long haul, but fear that my arousal is non-existent without visual stimulation. Hoping reset happens and that I can move beyond this.

This really hits home. At that moment when you couldn’t engage with your partner, your innocent pattern became a problem. So sorry that happened. Don’t beat yourself , we’re not rocket ships. Same setup would happen with my ex wife, she’d ask, did you masterbate recently? I’d be truthful and the guilt trip would come about me watching porn. Have that happen a handful of times and you start really feeling ashamed of your behavior and feeling anxious about performing. Here’s to moving beyond this!

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Been mindful of when I want to watch and what triggers it