Guys with early climax, what's your inner critic like?

Makes me question if she’s enjoying it and when she is, it tells me I’m going to cum before she can and then she’ll be disappointed anyway. It takes me out of the moment.

Keeps telling me it is not going to remain in control. It is too sensitive is another thought that keeps building up. Even at the penetration time it looses itself to the sensations. And is scared that the partner will just be more away from me.

My inner critic is forever doubting me.

For me, it tells me I’m not manly or able to satisfy my partner because I finish too quickly. It makes me feel insecure; it makes me worry if my partner wants or desires me. That all then makes sex so stressful, because I’m looking for reassurance and then if I don’t “perform” I feel a lot of stress.

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makes me fear i won’t be able to satisfy and she will get bored or not want to have sex anymore

It’s not a voice. It’s a sense. A knowing.

Ultimately it feels like an over powering protector, like the masculine is pointing inward to protect me from dangers that no longer apply rather than emitting outward in a healthy way.


an overly cynical and pessimistic voice


My voice inside my head that is extremely negative


Extremely negative, saying I won’t last long

I’m in my own head. Instead of enjoying the moment with my wife, I’m thinking about trying to last longer.