Do you ever compare yourself, partners, or the sex you have to porn?

I used to and then I had to stop cold turkey

Porn impacts how I feel about my penis size. It also made me place a lot of pressure on sex the first time, which after not getting an erection had a knock on effect. I was also able to overcome my erection issues somewhat by stopping watching porn.

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That I should be ready to have sex at a momentā€™s notice.
That I should have a large penis and know exactly what to do with it
That vaginal intercourse should make a woman orgasm every time

Yes I have compared myself, to that. Taught me to expect to last long, make her cum like crazy, fuck like a monster, make her feel amazing

Iā€™ve always treated it as a fantasy and never really let unrealistic expectations effect me. I think, especially when I was younger, it was easier to watch porn and masterbate than go find a partner.

Porn is usually well edited so that youā€™re always seeing the best angle and the best bits. When Iā€™m having sex, I tend to lost my erection during the transitionary parts or the parts that would generally be cut out from the edit in porn.

I definitely have struggled comparing the sex I have to porn I watch. Lasting longer, trying to please my partner every time. I even feel like Iā€™ve havenā€™t pursued interesting and attractive women in the past, that found me interesting and attractive, because my use of porn, among other factors, made me have high expectations in potential sex partners



I only started watching porn pretty late into adulthood, in my mid 20s, so Iā€™d already had plenty of sex education and some sex with partners. I wouldnā€™t say porn has taught me any expectations or insecurities, because I know the people are acting, but I wonder if it ā€œprogramsā€ my brain to respond to that visual stimuli.

Higher than realistic standards for actual sex

that i always have to have a strong erection

I rarely use porn to masterbate, but when I do I sometimes find myself thinking ā€œi want my partner to moan like thisā€ or ā€œI want to be going this hard for this longā€ and it really gets in my head a bit.

To be honest, I was more feeling shame when masturbating in general. It wasnā€™t porn related depression but when masturbating Iā€™d notice my penis doesnā€™t feel like what it used to, nor does it look like what it did when erect which was completely firm almost as though like a bone. This is what made me depressed

Not really. The porn I watch doesnā€™t actually involve penetration which is something that made me thinkā€¦

Iā€™m in a similar situation. My last marriage was, for the last several years, asexual, no sex, whatsoever. This led me to the porn sites, and masturbation, to sublimate my urges. As is typical, with that scenario, I found that, I was spending more time, looking for more specific portrayals, and building a tolerance, making it more difficult to even attain an erection, to the point where I donā€™t get hard, at all. I havenā€™t had intercourse in several years. I recently began a "friends with benefits " relationship, and havenā€™t been able to have intercourse, yet. The frustration is nearly unbearable, because I want to satisfy her, completely, but I canā€™tā€¦

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Yeah for sure. Watching women get hammered with massive dicks makes me feel inadequate

My performance was always compared to porn. I wanted to be the perfect lower who fan satisfy any women. And after growing up with porn from my early teenager years I realized I donā€™t have any sexual skill. When I finally found myself with someone initimate there were not the same feeling like what I see in porn and the sex become a nightmare. Interactions with womens were scary. I constantly were thinking from the very first moment: how we are going to have sex If i cannot get hard in the momemnt.

Yes, Iā€™ve compared myself, my partner and my relations many times with porn.

To always be ready and hard and to please my partner in such an intense way, if not, I failed as a lover.