Can we get a streak restore?

I had a 35 day streak going and I lost it due to travelling and it’s kind of disappointing to see that number go back to 0.

I really made it a point to make sure I practice everyday but it’s kinda hard to do wax and wane as well as penis root masturbation while on a plane.

Mojo can we please make this a feature?

Great effort man. Remember to celebrate yourself on such a great streak, you are the one that matters, the streaks are for you. And you know you can do it again soo keep it up :raised_hands:t3::+1:t3:


Also keep in mind the big picture. A streak is cool and all, but your consistency overall is so so much more impactful than having a never-ending streak. You’re doing a great job and don’t need a large streak to prove your success to yourself.


We’re in the design stages of this feature. Hoping to finalize the designs in about a weeks time and it’ll likely take us another 2 weeks to build it out – but it’ll be there soon! Thanks for the feedback!