It was with a friend. Their feeling was to be overprotective of me and wanted to be the reason to make me okay, more importantly than me being okay and doing well. My feeling was to feel independent but also supportive of my decisions and ideas
It was with my girlfriend. She was feeling like I didn’t support her in the way she wanted when she needed me most. I felt like she didn’t realize that I was trying to support her. At that moment, I needed her to show me she cared, and we were alright. At that moment, she just needed to vent.
Silent trip home as I was very tired and didn’t share that, felt a bit awkward. They felt I was distant and didn’t want to speak to them, they needed to know why I was acting weird and to be reassured that I still love them just was having a bad day. I needed to take responsibility for feeling tired and irritable and explain that because of how I felt, I needed some quiet and rest
I feel inadequate since I can’t give he what’s needed in the bedroom.