So I started smoking maybe about half a pack of cigarettes give or take about two years ago after I quit drinking. I smoked maybe a few cigarettes a day for a few years before that. I’ve seen a lot of articles that link low sex drive and erection problems to smoking. At first I didn’t notice any change in my libido or hardness of my erection but after about a year I noticed I couldn’t get completely hard, even with porn and my sex drive has taken a steep dive. Anyways I’ve been seeing this girl and she got naked to change infront of me after a swim in a cave and I felt this like, strong desire to want to be aroused but it just turned into anxiety because I didn’t. I’m very attracted to her and I like her a lot so I was rather confused.-we haven’t done anything sexual yet.
Anyways I guess I’m asking if anyone has had any experience quitting smoking and getting your sex drive back and regaining hardness regarding an erection? And how long does it take to get back to normal?
I don’t even think it is just cigarettes. I think it may be nicotine in general, including vapes. I have noticed the same. It honestly makes sense because nicotine can cause anxiety, and it also changes the reward center of the brain. So you get similar pleasure from just smoking and may not be as excited by the idea of sex as you normally would. I stopped vaping about a week ago. I have been combining exercise as well, but there seems to be good improvements.
Those things will kill you and your boner! Stop now!
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You are right - Nicotine causes the bodies blood vessels to constrict and slows down the blood flow to the organs and does have a direct impact on erections. Best avoided if you are worried about your erections : )
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