Answer the 4Ds and share how you’re going to get the bond you want

Discovery: flirty, good sex, humorous, being vulnerable, learning
Dream: sex without anxiety, discover more of what we like together
Design: take ownership, being more vulnerable
Destiny: be open, communicate, practice, play

Being the most important person for someone

Being with someone who loves me and understands me

Make sure I’m confident enough to be honest with people so they can see who I am and working on myself to make sure I’m as happy as I can be

Discipline, persistence, perseverance, faith

iscovery - communication, Growing Together, Open with each other, support Pillars for each other.
Dream - Being more Flirty with Her , considerate to Her Bid , Strong Family Bond.
DESIGN - Putting In effort no matter what. Taking Responsibility for my actions, supporting my Partner Through Her anxieties & insecurities.
Destiny -Be more open to her about my feelings. Talk more about our feelings. Work on myself to be great partner.

We are a great team.

To have a family together

I need to get out of my head and learn to deal with life’s stresses

Do something about it. Which Iam

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We work with eachothers strengths are show love, appreciation for what the other does better and are thankful they have brought this to our relationship.

A family with a loving wife that is exited as I am to build our life better everyday.

Focus on the women who I know will give me the future I want and stop wasting my years “having fun”.

Carry on doing what I’m doing, carry on doing Mojo and living myself more

Have someone be there for you no matter what, build a future together (house, kids, etc), overcome PE, therapy.

Discovery: having a deep connection with someone who loves and supports you and vice versa
Dream: find life-long relationship where we can be open with each other and work together
Design: fight fear of difficult conversations and make healthy communication a priority in relationships
Destiny: need support of someone who feels the same way


What are the best parts of your relationship? Practical and emotional support; mutual attraction.
What’s the best future you can hope for? Being able to retire comfortably together.
What needs to change to get you there? At least 2 million dollars in liquid assets. Improve communication and intimacy with my partner.
Practically what steps do you need to take? Save and invest. Keep expenses low. Couples therapy.
What positives can you expand? Grow the business into a sellable asset. Express my needs more clearly.
How might you commit to that? Schedule couple therapy.
What kind of support do you need to accomplish your preferred future? Emotional

Discovery: we have a lot of fun together, make each other laugh all the time.
Dream: one where we are more supportive with each other when we are struggling emotionally or mentally. One where we show more interest in each other’s interests and have deeper conversations about our relationship.
Design: respond to more bids of affection. Do small things for her when those bids come up instead of being slow or hesitant or flat out refusing. State my needs more clearly, tell her what I want and tell her it’s important that she join me on something I’m interested in.
Destiny: couples counseling. Being more patient with each other so we can have those conversations.

Discovery: The closeness, new experiences together, traveling, laughing, bonding both physically and emotionally.

Dream: Spending quality time together daily and setting goals together to achieve together.

Design: Discipline and reassurance from myself to her and vice versa. Supporting her goals and communicating in a positive manner.

Destiny: Weekly conversations and reviews together. Supporting each other during our weak moments.

Discovery: Having fun together by exploring the world. Expressing affection by laughing, smiling, and loving on each other.

Dream: boost each others confidence by showing interest in their dreams. Encourage one another to reach the stars, and on the way there, satisfy emotional and physical needs and wants.

Design: not worrying about the past or future. Living in the present time and being fulfilled on what’s in front of me/ us. Finding someone that keeps me out of my head, and happy to be alive.

Destiny: continue to talk to my life coach, and continue to work on my mental state. Life is fuckjng awesome and I can do anything i want. Stay out of my head by being positive about the person I am and the capability’s I can achieve.

Best parts of relationships: emotional and physical intimacy. Mutual understanding and support. For a hookup, deep understanding of each other, a spirit of fun, good conversation, memorable moments

What I can hope for: for now, lots of fulfilling dates until I find the one. Happy, free intimacy and sex.

What I can do to make it happen: work on myself, my conversation skills, being relaxed, practice flirting and joking around, go on lots of dates, continually push boundaries

How: remind myself that this is the goal

Discovery: Enjoying life in general with this person. Appreciating everything they have to offer and the bond you form with them. How well you get along and how much fun you have together is the stalwart of any relationship:

Dream: I dream of someone whose company I can feel completely comfortable in. I can say or do absolutely anything that my true, core self does without feeling or worrying about any kind of judgement. And they also feel this way, so that we are our true, authentic selves around one another:

Design: Being completely open to new experiences, and showing genuine interest in anyone I meet. I need to own everything about myself and project open-mindedness into the world. Through this I hope to attract others who share the same attributes, and we can achieve a fully authentic relationship together.

Destiny: I need to begin making small changes now, being my true self around people more often to attract those I want to attract. Being open and vulnerable in more situations and owning all aspects of myself whenever i have the opportunity to. I need to hold myself accountable to those goals in all social situations and relationships going forward.

Discovery: Having someone to lean on, having someone who is on your side and that you can show care and love for too.

Dream: A long lasting connection where you will continue to support and cheer each other on and create the life you both want, together.

Design: Throwing myself into the experience of falling in love, being open and vulnerable, not being scared of open communication.

Destiny: Continuing to dedicate myself to thinking openly about relationships & connections. Putting my all behind this one connection whilst we’re growing it.

Discovery: I’ve never had a relationship with a girl so for me it is a whole new adventure which is scary but mostly exciting.

Dream: Supporting each other in every way possible, helping them flourish in life and in our relationship by leading with example, that’s confidence to me.

Design: Open communication, speaking with confidence and being compassionate and aware of their wants and needs. I personally need to work hard on exploring myself in every way so when the time arrives I’m ready or much better prepared and not got my head buried in the sand hoping for the best when I know it will fail.

Destiny: It’s 100% in my hands. Anything is possible in life with hard work & consistency. It’s your daily actions that will make your dreams a reality. So I just need to start committed to my goals and I will accomplish everything I wish, a simple example is being consistent on this app.

Discovery: connection, feeling loved, feeling attractive, sexy and relied on being able to lead.

Dream: maintaining and building the connection being able to keep the spark, chemistry and sex alive whilst also building dependability. A day to day where we share a partnership and help each other towards our dream life.

Design: continue to grow our communication and intimacy. Share fears, goals and dreams. Hold consistent space for communication. Plan together and follow through on the plan.

Hold space and time for talking. Be intentional about following through and being there for my partner. Setting clear plans and actions.

Discovery: everything about her from her smile to her personality to her body. The way she makes me feel. Her kind heart. Her gorgeous smile and beautiful eyes. Her luscious hair. All of our amazing adventures.

Dream: married, kids, sticking together through all the problems. The ups and downs of life, and smiling at our past together in old age.

Design: the only thing standing in our way is my performance anxiety sexually. Everything else about our relationship has been about as perfect as you could as for.

Destiny: I’m 200% committed to solving my performance anxiety I just don’t know how. Sometimes the first moments of getting intimate causes mini panic attacks/fight or flight reactions and I need to learn how to mitigate and stop that.

Discovery: we’re so excited to see each other, it hasn’t faded much after 8 years. We still rush home to be back in each others’ spaces after time apart.

Dream: I don’t ever want to lose that. If anything, I’d want us to rush home faster as time continues, knowing our best friend is waiting for us.

Design: Truthfully, I think that means continuing to have all these hard conversations. The more walls we break down, and consciously meet each other with grace afterwards, is just deepening the connection.

Destiny: It’s a mountain moved one stone at a time. Celebrate every smile, wipe and address every tear, and never be afraid to question what brought you to where you are today.

Discovery: we motivate each other to become a better person
Dream: to have a house and family together