Where to find erotic stories for men?

Listening to Audiostories for masturbation helps me enormously to stay off porn. Do you know where to find erotic stories for men? All I seam to find is stories for women. Thank you!


There are many erotic podcasts that I listen to. Difficult to find exactly what I like but there are so many that you’re almost certainly going to find something you like. I also enjoy erotic graphic novels

I just found out that I am into this kind of thing. This week after listening to the stories on this app. Just found out about Reddit r/gonewildaudio. Just type that into the search bar. All kinds of stuff on there for free. Good luck my man


Thank you!

I am off visual porn for 242 days now. Feels really good. Recently also realised that audio porn is actually good for me in contrast to videos.

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