What other sex skills can we help you with?

Kegals work great to tighten a woman’s vagina and will make sex way more enjoyable for her

Great starter!


How to give an orgasm to a partner who has a under-sensitive clitoris

Tips for women with over-tight vaginal opening (penetration can be painful for her)

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Second that

Stacking orgasms in a repeatable technique

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This was great. Good module.

The section about prostate stimulation was a bit sparse though. Could have done with a bit more detail.

Good module. Maybe more description around other expressions like biting and rubbing genitals

Really good section. Lots to try, my new partner likes a spanking which is new to me

Great exercise, lots to take away, verbal communication is key!


How to initiate sex in a long-term relationship where the frequency of sex has reduced significantly


A good list of positions todo together to change it up

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I agree with another poster, a list of different sex positions to spice things up. Something about the coital alignment technique as well.

New postions and maybe even methods for solo sex

Deffo positions

Agree with other posters here: Some guidance on good sex positions to try when struggling with erections or other sexual issues would be great.

For example, if, like myself, someone tends to lose their erection right before penetration, what would be a good position to try if that’s an issue. Or how might two people navigate that in the moment to create the right mood to help with penetration, etc.