I have never liked conflict. Since I was 5 yrs old there had and has been conflict in my family and has caused me to avoid it every way possible. My fight or flight turns into flight and I go into an area where I feel comfortable by myself. If my wife gets upset I would have a strong urge to just go outside and sit in the woods to avoid it. I want to learn more of how to face it without sounding angry with what’s being said
Money related ones
Why my partner finds if so difficult to open up.
I need to express myself when a conflict looms, rather than caretake and try to fix how they’re feeling before conflicts occur.
I need to be better about recognizing my needs to begin with — I often find myself triggered by something, and then later an able to dissect it and realize that I felt a need wasn’t being met. Then I need to focus on expressing those needs in a nonthreatening way.
I need to work on maintaining my composure during moments of jealousy
I need to tell her more about my feelings and how sometimes I feel she is not listening to me and my needs. I want she to be more flexible and also adapt datez to my time and needs sometimes
I argue a lot with my girlfriend. We both have our issues. My problem is that I always feel the need to correct her if she says something untrue about me. I need to let go of this need to always be right or to make it clear how her actions are hurtful to me, and instead to focus on listening to her and noticing what her feeling is and what is the underlying need that’s causing it
I’m often tired or overworked and grumpy, especially after working night shifts. I need to make it clear that I’m exhausted and unavailable instead of taking it out on him.
I often keep my feelings inside with my loved ones. I don’t care about the outside world one bit, but I over care for my people, be it partner friends or family. In that case, I make sure to keep them okay and put myself on the back burner and try to fix myself on my own. I should say what I need from them as well and not just think about selflessly giving
Sounds like I’m care taking. I either bite my tongue to avoid an argument or end up apologizing and taking 100% of the blame so the conflict can just end. It just leaves me bubbling with anger and frustration all the time
Being triggered by the way I used to be and panicking when even the smallest conflict arises. I need to realize it’s okay to have a small disagreement.
I need to be more clear about how my sexual worries have impacted my feelings, and express that I’d like a bit of reassurance that it’s ok that I’m not always able to perform but that shed still like to try.
I probably need to get a better hold on to what I am feeling . I avoid confrontation when I feel overwhelmed or I’m insecure.
I am bad about avoiding arguments. I need to be better at bringing up how I am feeling and dealing with the conflict
I am quick to jump to solutions without first working through the emotional aspect of the argument.
I avoid conflict and don’t express what I need.
Any that I think my make the other person feel bad about themselves. Last relationship we both kind of took things too personally - I thought she saw me as useless, she thought I saw her as pathetic. so everytime the same argument would come up it never got fully resolved, even tho it felt like it at the time
We tend to get upset with each other when we’re both frustrated that our sex struggles are not improving… however, speaking calmly about a plan of action to address the challenges as a couples and individuals is helpful
Find a way to say that I’m tired to be alone and he enjoys is best life not with me