What is your inner coach like?

Bold, capable, logical, present.

My inner critic was the fragile version of me . My inner coach was Mickey from Rocky! “ Don’t listen to him! You’re Gonna Eat Lightnin’ And You’re Gonna Crap Thunder!”

my inner critic was belittling me and my inner coach believed in me

I’ve had trouble identifying the inner critic before but when the inner coach entered the exercise I felt a deep sense of relief. I think it can help!

My inner critic was a small horrible version of me my inner coach was a better stronger version of me

My inner coach spoke with facts rather than feelings like my inner critic. He was able to point out the times that sex was really enjoyable and that there have been plenty of times that I was good at it

It’s gonna take work. I was trying to find what the articulated note of encouragement or advice should be

They are having conversations back and forth where the inner critic is trying to judge, saying negative things, and worrying about the performance and the inner coach is calming, soothing, guide the inner critic.

My inner critic was more of a feeling. Inadequacy, shame and feeling like I can’t do anything right. My inner coach pointed out that I can and have performed and I’m putting the work in to be more consistent and feel better in myself. I’m not sure who won that round to be honest

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My coach was behind me a guard who suited up and ready to defeat every bad things and protect me like muscular clever bodyguard maybe future me

It’s me and I coach others really well. I need to practice what I preach for myself now

He joined my side and spoke in a deep, confident voice. He said he believed in me

its litellary gandalf

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I imagined him alot like a beefy version of myself. I have been wanting to grt more muscular in the gym, so seeing and hearing that version of me cheering me on gives me a kick in the butt that I need

My inner coach is like a man who just shoo away the critic and tell it to fuck off and that its talkin crap and should fuck off

Affirmed what my wife has affirmed to me when I vent about it to her. Very helpful

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Said he’s (I’ve) done this before and he’s gonna do it again.

inner critic says “I’m gonna steal your pleasure“ by acting as a weird shell over my penis and preventing me from getting hard.

Inner coach says “OK, if that’s what you want,. But it doesn’t always work. Sometimes I can stay hard for a long time and have an amazing night.”

inner critic, hears the truth in this and admits that it’s just scared, and what it actually wants is for the inner coach to be stronger and to show up and celebrate those memories of great experiences, and hold space for whatever happens emotionally in the encounter.

inner coach says “I’ve got you“

Inner critic compared me to others.

The inner coach reminded me that I do not need to be them I need to be me.
Accept my progressive and that my goals will not magically happen overnight. Keep up the good work.

They had a conversation. Only two lines each actually, and my inner coach was so kind and reasonable and it made perfect sense what he had to say. It was such a relief and removed all the stress I felt. I did not expect that but i started crying like i haven’t done in months or even years

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