It’s usually just a voice in the back of my head telling me that I have to get hard. Otherwise my partner will probably get upset at me.
It’s my superego, the part of me that things what I’m doing is wrong and that it will hurt other people if I sleep with them and I’m disfunctional… It’s hard to say it’s wrong when I feel like it’s right, I’m giving tricking someone into thinking well have a good time when my inability to perform will be annoying or weird at best and a regrettable decision on their part at worst
It was a voice reminding me of my past failures in the bedroom, and a sinking almost cringing sensation in my pelvic floor.
It’s a reminder of past experiences, and failures telling me that why would this time be different to the last time you tried why would I be able to succeed this time around when I’ve failed so many times before
It’s like me from the further trying to warn me of situations out of fear I’m going to embarrass myself , and become devalued as a person
A sensation. I have a thought usually of shit, I’m not gonna get it up, I never have. And then my heart rate speeds up just thinking about it. It all stems from thoughts of performance anxiety now on top of it.
HOLY SHIT. The sensation is such facts. We’re not alone brotha. We’ll all get through this
It’s a building tension in my chest. A panicked tightness. A voice that builds a checklist of things I NEED to achieve to make sex pleasurable for my partner.
I don’t exist beyond the panic. It swirls and coils around me, turning what should be a simple pleasure of life into a curse.
I know I won’t achieve that erection. If I start to get excited, I need my partner to know and feel it. But that takes me out of the moment and I go numb again and the critic reaffirms its position of power.
It feels impossible to let go. Each time I’m close to breaking free, I consciously focus on what I need to do next rather than just letting my body do it.
It’s just me replaying moments in the past where I wasn’t able to perform. I am too focused on the worry to be present in the moment with my partner, which then becomes a self fulfilling prophecy.
Inner voice of my head, and is actually me
Once this voice takes over I start to panic and my hearts pumps super fast, I can’t be present
It’s my voice
It doesn’t look like anything. It’s me, my brain, feeding thoughts into my mind, expressing them in my voice. Abusive thoughts. Suicidal thoughts. I say them out loud sometimes: “I hate myself.” “I wish I was dead.” “I wanna fuckin kill myself.” And taking over my body. Locking me down, keeping me from acting, or speeding my heart up, putting tremors in my voice, making me sweat …
It doesn’t look or feel like anything, it’s just my own inner monologue telling me I should be afraid of failing to please my partner
It’s another me, pushing me to do things and being critical
Mostly just thoughts inside my head. Not really a visualization, just a voice. Very panicky.
It’s my voice
I don’t have a voice as much as I just have all the what if situations come to mind
It’s my voice, and remembering the times when I failed or had an embarrassing moment and it tells me that it might happen again and to be afraid.