What does your inner critic sound like? (Part 3)

She thinks another man when she is with me. I can’t cum when she wants me to. I can’t stay up

It’s my voice inside my head. It runs through all of the things that will wrong

It tells me all the things I might be incapable of doing

It really only affects me when I think about it and let it interrupt what I’m doing

It tells me that the failure is going to be inevitable.

My inner critic tries to protect me by avoiding shame, it rejects my partner to not sacrifice myself

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You’ll not get hard.shes wondering why you’re soft. You should put it inside her quickly whilst you still can

The I can’t get hard… I’m going to shrink up. I better go down on her before she notices.

Doubtful, too small, can’t get hard, avoid the embarrassment

Tells me that any success I have is temporary and that I’m likely to fail again

Tells me I’m not good enough, I won’t be able to last and that I can’t please my partner. It tells me to give up rather then to keep trying, because in the end the same result will occur. I don’t feel good enough for my partner.

It tells me to reject or avoid sex because it’s not going to work out, and you’ll only embarrass yourself

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I’m not good enough because I can’t get hard. You should be ashamed

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My inner critic goes through the last time I had sex with a new partner and how I couldn’t stay in the moment and how I’ll just do it again the next time. And the next time my new partner won’t be so forgiving and they will abandon me. It makes me feel so low and wants me to call it quits now so I don’t chance messing up again.

My inner critic reminds me of my ex girlfriend telling me that she used to lie about orgasming. Once those thoughts come up I struggle to stay in the moment.

Seems like a voice asking questions like what ifi don’t perform. Also it is a feeling of anxiety about the ability to perform.


Mine tells me ill never be able to have sex and never be able to be a dad. Also that no girl will like me


My inner critic says that I’mgoing to fuck it up, and then recounts prior instances of awkward or no complete sexual performance

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Lots of ‘what if’ questions. Lots of anxiety around my girlfriend having a good time. Easy to see why I’m not always in the moment, and then feeling pressure to be in the moment.

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